



    对华援助协会获悉, 7月21日,湖北省安陆市一家庭教会受到当地警方袭击,正在聚会的20余名基督徒被当场抓走。
    据目击者告知本协会,7月21日下午1时左右,湖北省安陆市陈店乡沈畈村4组的方爱文家中,43名基督徒正举行崇拜聚会,突然遭到来自当地陈店乡派出所的6 名警察(其中2 名着便衣)的袭击。当场抄走所有有基督教书籍,并将参加聚会的基督徒中比较年轻的,约20多人带到陈店乡派出所。
    7月19日,河南省驻马店郎乡郭庄60多位基督徒聚会被公安包围后抓捕, 当天审讯后获释.
    湖北省安陆市陈店乡人民政府 07125592018 湖北省安陆市陈店乡陈店 432613
    湖北省中共安陆市陈店乡委员会 07125592018 湖北省安陆市陈店乡陈店 432613
    湖北省中共安陆市委员会 07125222629 湖北省安陆市碧陨路65号 432600
    湖北省安陆市人民政府 07125222612 湖北省安陆市碧陨路65号 432600
    House Church Raided in Hubei and Henan Province, More Than 20 Believers Still Detained
    CAA learned that one house church in Hubei province was attacked on July 21, 2006, and more than 20 Christians were arrested.
    Eyewitnesses and family members of the victims reported to CAA that the raid and arrests happened around 1 PM on July 21st, when 43 Christians were having their fellowship meeting at a reception family in Shen Fan village, Chen Dian Town, Anlu city, Hubei province.
    6 policemen from the local police station in Chen Dian township (2 of them are plain-clothed) involved in the raid, searched the house, confiscated the Christian books, and took 20 of the service participants to the Chen Dian police Station.
    Some Christians were released at about 5:30 PM, including the wife of the reception family. Others were taken to the Public Security Bureau in An Lu City. They were given of 10-15 days of detention by the police.
    The Christians still in detention are:
    Brother Sun Yaozhou ,Brother He Luohua ,Brother Wang Dayou,
    Brother Fang Aiwen,Sister Huang Zhiying,Sister Fang Mingzhen,Sister Hu Yuzhen ,Sister Zhang Jianfang
    CAA also learned on July 19, a House Church at Guo village, Lang Town, Zhu Ma Dian City, Henan province was raided while having a Christian worship service by the PSB of Zhu Ma Dian city. More than 60 House Church Christians were interrogated for several hours and then released later that day.
    Call the Chinese Embassy in the US to show your concern:
    Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
    2300 Connecticut Ave NW
    Washington DC 20008
    Tel:(202) 328-2500 Fax: (202) 588-0032
    Director of Religious Affairs:
    (202) 328-2512
    Issued by China Aid Association on July 21, 2006 (记者:蔡楚)


