
今天是202033 星期二 第十八篇













TUESDAY, MAR. 3, 2020

Cloudy day, cold and gloomy. It has been more than a month since
the city was locked down on January 23rd. People seem to have become
accustomed to this kind of life and have accepted it. Some colleagues
have commented that residents eat, sleep, and watch TV each day, so
what's the big deal? Others think that some residents treat themselves as
emperors, asking for this and that all day long, hating that they can't be
served with mountainous delicacies every day. People are always so
different. Suppose a courteous government officer is sitting among us
right now, looking at our simple faces and expressions. In that case, he
may think that more than 10 million citizens of Jiangcheng are living a
god-like leisurely life. But, of course, in reality, there are not many officers
who are so stupid. They are more intelligent than us.
I saw a netizen say on the Internet that Zhong Nanshan is just a
person in the system, mythologized. It has always been our tradition to
idolize him. As long as we like, we can put any similar person into the
position of God, and conversely, we can put him into hell.
People intend to criticize others. In my opinion, they should do
themself to see if they can do better. I believe this saying is not wrong:
"The system is an exceptionally terrible thing. It is a stirring human spirit
and not just the physical body of the immense machine. " In this machine,
any person can only follow its rules to think and roll. That has little to do
with whether you are a genius or a fool. The system is the embodiment
of power. As long as in the system, you can only be a puppet of the system.
No one in this world has ever really been able to control the system, not
Hitler, not Qin Shi Huang. It is always the system that holds each of us.
Mastering power is only an illusion.
Words express the degree of civilization and uncivilization of a
society. It is inauspicious and incomprehensible to say that the people of
Wuhan made a huge sacrifice. Sacrifice has always been a voluntary act,

not a passive command. The active sacrifice is noble. This sacrifice is
miserable. The most basic meaning of humanitarianism is that people do
everything possible to help the people there when there is a disaster
instead of trying to sacrifice the people there.
Mr. Nanshan Zhong's team predicts that the city closure in Wuhan
needs to be maintained until the end of April. I don't know what he is
based on. Mr. Wenhong Zhang thinks that if we don't resume work soon,
the death rate of the population will be higher than the death rate of the
new coronary pneumonia. I think this is a realistic judgment, although he
is still speaking from a doctor's perspective. The lockdown of the city
itself is a very risky move. The lockdown of apartment buildings is riskier
than a city lockdown. Failure to fully understand the potential
consequences of this danger will inevitably lead to recklessness and
irrationality. They focus all efforts on treating patients with the virus that
leaves the treatment of other patients behind; They locked down cities
and small communities to prevent the pandemic and leave people's basic
daily needs behind; That would have brought about more inevitable,
severe serious secondary disasters. Mending the sheep pen is a desperate
measure when the sheep have already been lost. It's a desperate attempt
to salvage the situation after paying a painful price. It's not a performance
or a success. But, of course, this is only my personal opinion. More people
think we should first solve the immediate problem, the future of things
to think about later.
There are a lot of stranded foreigners asking for relief money. I
believe the best way is to send them to their hometown as soon as
possible under the premise of properly accommodating their lives in
Wuhan. I don't know why the local government didn't think of this and
why they didn't set up a convenient channel for them to return home
The wages are finally paid today.
Today, I received more vaccination materials, such as masks and
isolation clothing—a little bit of hindsight. I had the feeling of mending

a sheep pen after the sheep were lost.
It seems that the housing managers in my area have finally woken
up. They are giving out free vegetables to the apartment owners for the
first time. The quality and variety are much better than what the
community center is giving out now.
One owner asked the community center to help him buy cat food,
saying that his cat was starving to death. Some of my colleagues thought
this owner was ridiculous. However, I felt that saving the cat was also
saving lives. So, I agreed to help him purchase the cat food. In the evening,
the owner called again and said he had purchased cat food from the
internet and thanked me for my understanding.

民主中国 | minzhuzhongguo.org


今天是202033 星期二 第十八篇













TUESDAY, MAR. 3, 2020

Cloudy day, cold and gloomy. It has been more than a month since
the city was locked down on January 23rd. People seem to have become
accustomed to this kind of life and have accepted it. Some colleagues
have commented that residents eat, sleep, and watch TV each day, so
what's the big deal? Others think that some residents treat themselves as
emperors, asking for this and that all day long, hating that they can't be
served with mountainous delicacies every day. People are always so
different. Suppose a courteous government officer is sitting among us
right now, looking at our simple faces and expressions. In that case, he
may think that more than 10 million citizens of Jiangcheng are living a
god-like leisurely life. But, of course, in reality, there are not many officers
who are so stupid. They are more intelligent than us.
I saw a netizen say on the Internet that Zhong Nanshan is just a
person in the system, mythologized. It has always been our tradition to
idolize him. As long as we like, we can put any similar person into the
position of God, and conversely, we can put him into hell.
People intend to criticize others. In my opinion, they should do
themself to see if they can do better. I believe this saying is not wrong:
"The system is an exceptionally terrible thing. It is a stirring human spirit
and not just the physical body of the immense machine. " In this machine,
any person can only follow its rules to think and roll. That has little to do
with whether you are a genius or a fool. The system is the embodiment
of power. As long as in the system, you can only be a puppet of the system.
No one in this world has ever really been able to control the system, not
Hitler, not Qin Shi Huang. It is always the system that holds each of us.
Mastering power is only an illusion.
Words express the degree of civilization and uncivilization of a
society. It is inauspicious and incomprehensible to say that the people of
Wuhan made a huge sacrifice. Sacrifice has always been a voluntary act,

not a passive command. The active sacrifice is noble. This sacrifice is
miserable. The most basic meaning of humanitarianism is that people do
everything possible to help the people there when there is a disaster
instead of trying to sacrifice the people there.
Mr. Nanshan Zhong's team predicts that the city closure in Wuhan
needs to be maintained until the end of April. I don't know what he is
based on. Mr. Wenhong Zhang thinks that if we don't resume work soon,
the death rate of the population will be higher than the death rate of the
new coronary pneumonia. I think this is a realistic judgment, although he
is still speaking from a doctor's perspective. The lockdown of the city
itself is a very risky move. The lockdown of apartment buildings is riskier
than a city lockdown. Failure to fully understand the potential
consequences of this danger will inevitably lead to recklessness and
irrationality. They focus all efforts on treating patients with the virus that
leaves the treatment of other patients behind; They locked down cities
and small communities to prevent the pandemic and leave people's basic
daily needs behind; That would have brought about more inevitable,
severe serious secondary disasters. Mending the sheep pen is a desperate
measure when the sheep have already been lost. It's a desperate attempt
to salvage the situation after paying a painful price. It's not a performance
or a success. But, of course, this is only my personal opinion. More people
think we should first solve the immediate problem, the future of things
to think about later.
There are a lot of stranded foreigners asking for relief money. I
believe the best way is to send them to their hometown as soon as
possible under the premise of properly accommodating their lives in
Wuhan. I don't know why the local government didn't think of this and
why they didn't set up a convenient channel for them to return home
The wages are finally paid today.
Today, I received more vaccination materials, such as masks and
isolation clothing—a little bit of hindsight. I had the feeling of mending

a sheep pen after the sheep were lost.
It seems that the housing managers in my area have finally woken
up. They are giving out free vegetables to the apartment owners for the
first time. The quality and variety are much better than what the
community center is giving out now.
One owner asked the community center to help him buy cat food,
saying that his cat was starving to death. Some of my colleagues thought
this owner was ridiculous. However, I felt that saving the cat was also
saving lives. So, I agreed to help him purchase the cat food. In the evening,
the owner called again and said he had purchased cat food from the
internet and thanked me for my understanding.