

今天是202039 星期一 第二十四篇











MONDAY, MAR. 9, 2020

It rained all night and started again in the afternoon. The wind felt
cold on my face. It is the nature of water to have many twists and turns.
That is also true for our lives, our society, and the pandemic we are
experiencing. People living in a locked-down city tend to forget the date
of time, and reality forces us to stay alert.
The number of confirmed coronary pneumonia patients has
dropped again today, which was expected. I heard that Mr. Zhong
Nanshan also predicted or suggested that the lifting of the closure would
be postponed until the end of May. I think this is a very irresponsible
suggestion. Of course, now that Mr. Zhong is a national hero, any doubts
will risk death.
If you look at it from the perspective of controlling the pandemic
alone, the longer the closure, the better. I'm afraid no one can prove me
wrong if I say that by postponing the lifting of the quarantine until
October, we will be able to bring the pandemic under complete control,
but that is meaningless and no different from the rest of the bullshit we've
heard. Suppose the mortality rate of coronary pneumonia is 2.5 percent
or more. In that case, the mortality rate of leukemia patients must be 100
percent since they are not being treated timely. If the elderly and the weak
are in a state of malnutrition for a long time, their chances of getting sick
are almost 100 percent.
Now that the government is adjusting its deployment strategy, this
forces people to change their thinking accordingly. In the last two days
there has been a significant increase in purchasing of food, i.e., rice and
noodles, and cooking oil, soya sauce, vinegar, salt, and toilet paper,
through the community center. It indicated that residents are running out
of food and other daily necessities in their homes. In the long run, the
community center will have to buy and unload more than just vegetables
every day, and the weight of these items may be enough to overwhelm

them. Even so, the basic needs of the public are not guaranteed at all. If
this happens, we'll be back to our original position, and sacrifices must
be made. Sacrifice the general public's health, sacrifice the elderly, the sick,
the disabled, sacrifice the needy, etc. Perhaps because of these
inescapable or inevitable problems, the United States, Japan, Germany,
and other countries did not and could not copy our work. It is wise to
face our own problems.
Without any surprises, the main task of the community center today
was still to carry and distribute various food items to the residents.
Many people say that since they can give relief to people stranded in
Wuhan from other cities, why can't they give some to residents as well. I
think the relief is necessary, but after all it is a stopgap measure, a drop in
the bucket will not solve the fundamental problem. The urgent need for
people is decisive. Of course, smart decisions require wisdom.
Two days ago, we received a notice from the community center to
review the elderly who receive the Longevity Allowance. In other words,
the residents must show proof that the elderly are still alive to continue
receiving the 100-yuan monthly benefit. I don't understand what these
people are thinking. Can't they wait until after the pandemic is over to do
this kind of thing? They are asking the community to ask every one of
them, "Are your seniors still there? Unfortunately, there are many coldhearted people in this world, and for some, it may be their pleasure to rub
salt in a wound.
Government leaders have asked the community to make it a priority
to help solve various livelihood issues and meet the daily needs of
residents. It is now required that the community center guide newly
emerged febrile residents through all steps of the process in order to
guarantee the results of pandemic prevention. That is to say; community
members should accompany the patients until they return home to
completely control the activities of the sick residents in a person-toperson manner. I don't know what to say about this, but it's useless to say
it anyway.