    The Course of Contemporary Chinese Intellectuals:
    An International Symposium Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Anti-Rightist Campaign
    June 29-30, 2007
    Co-Sponsored by
    Center for Asian Studies, University of California, Irvine
    Chinese-American Librarians Association, Southern California Chapter
    Foundation for China in the 21st Century
    Los Angeles, CA
    Friday, June 29(六月二十九日,星期五)
    Morning Session: Humanities Instructional Building (HIB 110),
    (University of California, Irvine, CA 92697
    Opening Ceremony 开幕式 (10:10-10:45 am)
    Welcome remarks from Dr. Karen Leonard, Director of the Center for Asian Studies, University of California, Irvine [教授,加州大學爾灣分校亞洲研究中心主任]
    Welcome remarks from Dr. Perry Link 林培瑞, Chair of the Foundation for China in the 21st Century, and Professor of East Asian Studies, Princeton University [二十一世紀中國基金會理事會主席和普林斯頓大學中國研究教授]
    Greetings from Professor Song Yongyi 宋永毅, Acting Executive Director of the Foundation for China in the 21st Century [二十一世紀中國基金會代執行主任, 加州州立大學洛杉磯分校]
    Greetings from Mr. Kuei Chiu 丘葵, Former President of Chinese-American Librarians Association, Southern California Chapter. [美國華人圖書館協會南加州分會前主席,加州大學河邊分校亞洲圖書館負責人]
    Session One: Rethinking the Anti-Rightist Campaign after 50 Years 五十年后再看反右 (presentations in Chinese)
    Location (地點) : Humanities Instructional Building (HIB 110),UCI (10:50 a.m.-12:20 p.m.)
    Moderator: Dr. Wu Guoguang 吳國光博士
    (Professor and Chair, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, Canada)
    Professor Guo Luoji 郭羅基教授, Senior Research Fellow, Harvard University [哈佛大學資深研究員] : “Re-examining the Anti-Rightist Campaign after 50 Years” [審視反右五十年] [10:50-11:15 a.m.]
    Professor Xu Liangying, Historian of Contemporary Chinese History [許良英, 前中國科學院研究員], [paper presented by Mr. Wang Dan, Ph.D. candidate, Harvard University書面發言由王丹代讀] : “The Anti-Rightist Campaign was the First Disaster in the History of Contemporary China ”[反右派運動是當代中國第一次大災難] [11:15-11:40 a.m.]
    Professor Ding Shu 丁抒, Professor of Physics, Normandale Community College [美國明州諾曼學院教授]: “1.8 Million ‘Hats’ Imposed during the Anti-Rightist Campaign” [反右運動中派發了一百八十萬頂“帽子”] [11:40-12:00 a.m.]
    Questions & Answers 提问及回应 [12:00-12:20 a.m.]
    Lunch 午餐 (12:20-1:00 p.m.)
    Location (地點) : Outside Humanities Instructional Building, UCI
    Afternoon Sessions: Humanities Instructional Building
    (HIB 110),
    (University of California, Irvine, CA 92697)
    Session Two: The Anti-Rightist Campaign and Chinese Intellectuals 反右运动和中国知识分子 (in Chinese)
    Location (地點) : Humanities Instructional Building (HIB 110),UCI (1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.)
    Moderator: Professor Fang Lizhi 方勵之教授
    (Professor of Physics, University of Arizona)
    Mr. Yao Jianfu 姚監複 Former Research Fellow at the State Coucil in China [前中國國務院發展中心研究室主任,研究員]: “The Anti-Rightists Campaign Should be Re-named as 1957 Democratic Movement” [反右派鬥爭應正名為“五七民主運動”] [1:00-1:25 p.m.]
    Dr. Chen Yan陳彥博士,Director of the Chinese Branch of Radio France International (RFI) [法國國際廣播電臺中文部主任] : “The Rise and Fall of Ideology and the Vicissitudes of Intellectuals” [意識形態的興衰與知識份子的起落] [1:25-1:50 p.m.]
    Mr. Hu Ping 胡平, Editor-in-Chief, Beijing Spring [《北京之春》主編] : “Why did a Great Many of Rightists Plead Guilty?” [為什麼很多右派會低頭認罪?] [1:50-2:15 p.m.]
    Dr. Chen Kuide陳奎德博士, Editor-in-Chief, The Observer [《觀察》主編] : “The Death of Liberalism in China in 1957 as Seen in the Fate of Luo Longji ” [從羅隆基命運看中國自由派在1957年的覆滅] [2:15-2:40 p.m.]
    Ms. Gao Yu 高瑜, Independent Journalist in China [中國獨立記者]: “The Anti-Rightist Campaign of the Chinese Communist Party of China Annihilated Chinese Liberalism” [中共反右運動消滅了中國的知識份子] [2:40-3:05 p.m.]
    Questions & Answers 提问及回应 [3:05-3:30 p.m.]
    Session Three: Personal Experience in Historical Context
    一个人的经历和一个历史时代 (in Chinese)
    Location (地點) : Humanities Instructional Building (HIB 110), UCI (3:30 – 6:30 p.m.)
    Moderator: Dr. Chen Kuide 陳奎德博士 (3:30-4:50 p.m.)
    (Editor-in-Chief of The Observer)
    Professor Du Gao杜高教授, Former Editor-in-Chief of China Drama Press [前中國戲劇出版社總編輯] : “An Individual Archive and an Historical Era ” [一部個人檔案和一個歷史時代] [3:30-3:50 p.m.]
    Professor Chen Sijun 陳斯駿教授, Professor Emeritus, Ji’nan University, Guangzhou [廣州暨南大學歷史系退休教授]: “The Anti-Rightist Campaign as Seen from a Corner of Beijing University” [從北大一個角落看反右] [3:50-4:10 p.m.]
    Ms. Huang Xiaolu 黃肖路,Independent Researcher [北京退休教師,獨立研究者]: “The Past and Present of the ‘Four Famous Rightists’ of Qinghua University”[清華大學四大右派今昔] [4:10-4:30 p.m.]
    Mr. Fung Kuochiang 馮國將,Independent Writer in the U.S. [美國獨立撰稿人]: “I was the ‘Biggest Rightist’ among Students at Qinghua University [我是清華大學學生中最大的右派分子] [4:30-4:50 p.m.]
    15-Munite Break 休息十五分钟 [4:50-5:05 p.m.]
    Moderator: Professor Yenna Wu 吳燕娜教授 (5:05-6:30 p.m.)
    (Director of Asian Languages & Civilizations, University of California, Riverside加州大學河邊分校中國文學教授和亞洲語言文明中心主任)
    Ms. Emily Wu 巫一毛,Independent Writer in the U.S. [美國獨立作家]:“We ‘Small’ Rightists”[我們這些小右派] [5:05-5:25 p.m.]
    Dr. Teng Biao 騰彪博士, Professor at Chinese University of Politics and Laws [中國政法大學教授] :“Advocating of Judicial Independence and Intellectual’s Strategy of Dialogue in the Anti-Rightist Campaign”[反右運動中的“司法獨立” 和知識份子的話語策略] [5:25-5:45 p.m.]
    Mr. Shao Jiang 邵江,Ph. D. Candidate, Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster [英國威斯敏斯特大學博士研究生]: “The Square: An Unofficial Magazine that Resisted Totalitarianism ” [抵抗極權的民間雜誌─《廣場》] [5:45-6:05 p.m.]
    Questions & Answers 提问及回应 [6:05-6:30 p.m.]
    Session Three: Free Speech & Discussion (6:30-7:30 p.m.)
    Moderator: Professor Song Yongyi 宋永毅教授
    (California State University, Los Angeles)
    Professor Yongyi Song宋永毅教授, California State University, Los Angeles [加州州立大學洛杉磯分校]: “Closely Tracing the Political Movements of ‘New China’: Compiling the Anti-Rightist Campaign Database” [緊緊追尋新中國政治運動的蹤跡:編撰中的《中國反右運動資料庫》] [6:30-6:40 p.m.]
    Professor Li Shuxian 李淑嫻教授, Mr. Ye Guorong葉國榮先生,Mr. Shen Licheng 沈力成先生等等 and others。
    Each person can speak on any Anti-Rightists Campaign related topics for 5-10 minutes. 每人和报名自由发言5-10分钟。
    Buffet Dinner 自助晚餐: (7:30-8:45 p.m.)
    June 30, Saturday (六月三十日,星期六)
    Morning Sessions: Conference Room, Monterey Park Library
    (2nd floor of Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library, 318 S. Ramona Avenue Monterey Park, CA 91754蒙特利公园市市立图书馆二楼会议室)
    Session One: The Origin and Consequence of the Anti-Rightist Campaign反右运动的前因后果 (in Chinese)
    Location (地點) : Conference Room of Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library (9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)
    Moderator: Dr. Perry Link 林培瑞教授
    (Professor of East Asian Studies, Princeton University)
    Ms. Lin Xiling 林希翎 Independent Writer in France [旅法獨立作家]: “Degeneration in the Spirit of Chinese Youth after the Anti-Rightist Struggle” 反右鬥爭後中國青年一代精神素質的退化 [9:00-9:25 a.m.]
    Professor Zhang Yidong 張軼東Professor of Foreign Languages, Suihua College, Heilongjiang [黑龍江綏化學院外語系教授] “On the Connections between China’s International Relations and the About-Face of Rectification Movement from April to June, 1957” [試探1957年4--6月間中國國際關係與整風轉向之間的關聯] [9:25 -9:50 a.m.]
    Professor Wu Guoguang 吳國光教授Professor and Chair, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, Canada [加拿大維克多利亞大學講座教授]:“The Eighth Congress of the CCP and the Anti-Rightist Campaign” [中共八大與反右運動] [9:50 -10:15 a.m.]
    Dr. James Zhu 朱學淵博士 Independent Writer in the U.S. [美國獨立作家]:“Opposing the Right and Savaging Intellectuals” is a Consistent Pattern of Mao Zedong Hooliganism”[“反右坑儒”是毛澤東一貫的流氓術] [10:15-10:40 a.m.]
    10 -Minute Break 休息十分钟 [10:40-10:50 a.m.]
    Professor Wei Zidan魏紫丹教授 Retired Professor, Henan Province [河南省退休教授]: “An Enquiry into the Origins of the Anti-Rightist Campaign” [關於反右的歸因研究] [10:50-11:15 a.m.]
    Mr. Cheung Shing Kok張成覺 Independent writer in Hong Kong [香港獨立作家]:“Mao’s Crime in Launching the Anti-Rightist Campaign Must Be Thoroughly Exposed and Criticized ” [毛發動反右的罪惡必須徹底清算] [11:15-11:40 a.m.]
    Questions & Answers 提问及回应 [11:40-12:10 p.m.]
    Lunch午餐 (12:10-12:50 p.m.)
    Location (地點) : Side Lounge of the Conference Room
    Afternoon Sessions: Conference Room
    (2nd floor of Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library, 318 S. Ramona Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754蒙特利公园市市立图书馆二楼会议室)
    Session Two: Studies on Important Cases in the Anti-Rightist Campaign反右运动的重要个案研究 (in Chinese)
    Location (地點) : 2nd Floor Conference Room of Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library, (12:50 p.m.-5:00 p.m.)
    Moderator: Professor Song Yongyi 宋永毅教授
    (California State University, Los Angeles)
    Mr. Ye Yonglie 葉永烈 Professional Writer in the Shanghai Writers Association [上海作家協會專業作家] : “The Trigger of the Anti-Rightist Campaign” [“反右派運動”的導火線”] [1:00-1:25 p.m.]
    Ms. Dai Qing戴晴 Independent Writer in China [中國大陸獨立作家] : “ ‘Leaning to One Side:’ Mao and China’s Democratic and Liberal Intellectuals ” [“一面倒”—— 毛與中國民主主義者] [1:25-1:50 p.m.]
    Professor Fang Lizhi 方勵之教授Professor of Physics, University of Arizona [美國亞利桑那大學物理學教授]:“1957 and Me: The End of Liberalism and the Retreat of Communism”[自由主義的終結和共產主義的退潮: 一九五七年和我] [1:50-2:15 p.m.]
    Professor Sha Shangzhi. 沙尚之教授 Former Director, Shanghai Institute of Light Industry [前上海輕工業研究所所長] [paper presented by Professor Ying Xu, California State University, Los Angeles書面發言,由徐穎教授代讀]: “Sha Wenhan\'s Pursuit of Political Democracy and His Views on the Distinctive Features of Chinese Society” [沙文漢的政治民主訴求及對中國社會特點之探討] [2:15-2:40 p.m.]
    Questions & Answers 提问及回应 [2:40-3:00 p.m.]
    10 -Minute Break 休息十分钟 [3:00-3:10 p.m.]
    Session Three: Re-Examining the Anti-Rightist Campaign and China’s Future Political Reform重评反右和中国的政治改革 (in Chinese)
    Location (地點) : 2nd Floor Meeting Room of Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library, (3:10 -5:00 p.m.)
    Moderator: Professor. Ding Shu 丁抒教授
    (Normandale Community College, Minnesota)
    Professor Zhang Lifan 章立凡教授 Former Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences [原中國社科院近代史所研究員]:“The Historical Evolution of China’s Democratic Parties” [中國民主黨派的歷史變遷] [3:10-3:35 p.m.]
    Professor Qian Liqun 錢理群教授 Professor, Beijing University [北京大學教授]: “Case Studies in Popular Thought on the China Mainland, 1956-1966” [1956——1966中國大陸民間思潮個案研究] [3:35-4:00 p.m.]
    Mr. Yu Meisun 俞梅蓀先生 Rights Defender in China [大陸維權工作者]: “Appeals for the Exoneration of ‘Rightists’ as an Important Item in the Current Rights-Defense Movement in China”[右派的平反訴求作為中國當前維權運動的重要組成部分] [4:00-4:25 p.m.]
    Questions & Answers 提问及回应 [4:25-4:50 p.m.]
    Closing Ceremony 闭幕式 (4:50-5:00 p.m.)
    Dinner 晚餐: (6:00-7:30 p.m.)
    Individual Papers
    Professor Cheng Yinghong 程映紅教授 Professor of History, University of Delaware [美國德拉華州立大學歷史系教授]: “The Influence of Maoism and the Chinese Model in Eastern Europe and North Vietnam: A Re-evaluation of the ‘100 Flowers’ and the Anti-Rightist Movement” [毛主義和中國模式在東歐和北越的影響——對“雙百方針”和反右運動的再考察]
    Professor Du Guang 杜光,Former Director of Research, CCP Central Party School [前中央黨校科研辦公室主任] : “The Anti-Rightist Campaign and Democratic Revolution” [反右運動與民主革命]
    Mr. Huang Heqing 黃河清Independent Writer in Spain [西班牙獨立撰稿人]: “Connections between the Anti-Rightist Campaign and the Cultural Revolution”[反右派運動與文化大革命的前後因緣]
    Mr. Lin Baohua 林保華Senior Research Fellow at the Foundation for China in the 21st Century [美國二十一世紀中國基金會研究員] “The Most Classic Speech of the Rightists in 1957”[五七年最經典的右派言論]
    Mr. Liu Shahe 流沙河, Poet [星星詩刊編輯, 著名詩人] : “Narrow Escape from Death: the Case of the ‘Caomu Pian’ Poetry Collection” [曾經滄海身猶在 —— “草木篇詩案”]
    Professor Wu Ningkun 巫寧坤, former Professor at the Beijing Institute of International Relations [原北京國際關係學院教授] :“A Lucky Survivor Reflects on the Anti-Rightist Campaign,” [「九死一生」話反右]
    Mr. Shao Yanxiang 邵燕祥, Poet [中國著名詩人]: “From 1957 to 2007” [從1957到2007]
    Professor Xie Yong 謝詠, Professor, Xiamen University, China [中國廈門大學教授]: “Analysis and Evaluation of Historical Materials on the 1957 Anti-Rightist Campaign [1957年反右運動史料的收集與評價]
    Mr. Yang Benhua 楊本華, Independent writer in the US [美國獨立撰稿人]:“The CCP Should Issue an Imperial Edict of Repentance to the 1957 Rightists ”[請為“右派”下《罪己詔》]
    Professor Zhu Zheng朱正, Former Editor at Hunan Peoples Publishing House [原湖南人民出版社編審] :“1957: the Disappearance of Modern Chinese Intellectuals” [1957:中國現代知識份子的消失]

