DHARMSALA, India — The political leader of Tibetan exiles says his year-old government remains committed to holding a dialogue with China on Tibet's future.

Lobsang Sangay became the government-in-exile's prime minister one year ago Wednesday after the Dalai Lama stepped down as political leader of the Tibetan people. The Dalai Lama remains the spiritual leader.

Hundreds of Tibetan monks and nuns prayed silently Wednesday at ceremonies in Dharmsala, India, to mark the government's first year in office.

Sangay said his government is committed to a dialogue process with Beijing "to resolve the Tibet issue on the basis of mutual benefit." Past talks between the two sides have made no discernible progress.

Sangay asked Tibetans across the world to mark the day by wearing traditional dress and offering prayers to show solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet. China claims the Himalayan region has always been Chinese territory, but many Tibetans say it was independent for much of its history.

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