
(参与2014年8月29日讯)鉴于德国之声台长Limburg 在昨日与中共官媒领导见面时,未能表达德国之声法所要求的独立媒体立场,我为此发出公开信:

[7:07:51 AM] Yutong Su: Dear Mr. Limbourg:

我从中国党控官媒《环球时报》和中国国际广播电台公布的信息中获悉,就在德国之声将我解职后不久,您将参加9月初《环球时报》在北京主办的“中德媒体论坛”,作为一 名在德国的记者,以及多年的媒体工作者,向您发出公开呼吁:

I learned from Global Times,a state-owned newspaper, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and China Radio International ,that you will be attending the China-German Media Forum sponsored by Global Times in Beijing in early September, only weeks after Deutche Welle’s dismissal of me. As a veteran journalist currently living in Germany, I wish to make the following publicly apeals: 

请您到达北京后,前往北京第一看守所探望被羁押在此的记者高瑜, 自她4月24日失踪起,至今已经三个月有余,但无论亲朋还是律师都无法顺利会见。这根本是对人权的严重侵犯,并违反中国现行法律。她只被允许见过2次律师,且不许谈案情,所以律师事实上无法提供真正的法律援助;作为德国之声的撰稿人,她的报道和对中国时局的观察文章曾为德国之声中文部赢得巨大声誉。还记得林伯格先生曾在5月8日就高瑜案发表声明,并表示在此前数天,就致函中国驻柏林大使馆,要求他们对高瑜的突然失踪做出解释,令人失望的是,未知中国大使馆是否或如何作出解释,也未能看到林伯格先生继续就释放高瑜作呼吁或行动。

First, I would like you to visit independent journalist Gao Yu, who is currently held in the Beijing Number One Detention Center. It has been more than three months since her “disappearance” on April 24th, but neither her relatives nor lawyers have been able to meet her properly, which is in severe violation of her basic human rights and current Chinese law. She met with her lawyer only twice but was forbidden to talk about her case, so the lawyer can’t provide her any real legal aid. As a contributor to Deutsche Welle, her reports and commentaries about current affairs in China have won tremendous praises for DW’s Chinese service. While we appreciate the fact that you issued a statement on May 8th regarding Gao Yu’s case, and that you said you had also written to the Chinese Embassy in Berlin to demand for an explanation of Gao Yu’s sudden disappearance, but to our disappointment, we don’t know whether or how the Chinese embassy has responded, nor have we seen further appeals or actions from you regarding Gao Yu’s release.

高瑜确定被刑拘后,独立中文笔会前会长廖天琪(Martin Liao)和作家廖亦武联合致信外交部长 Frank-Walter Steinmeier;我本人也向总统高克、总理默克尔、Frank-Walter Steinmeier、德国联邦政府人权事务专员 Christoph Strässer 及跨党派人权小组成员们发出总计20封呼吁信,其后陆续收到回信,我看到德国政府为高瑜在在外交上的努力。我本人亦一直与他的家人及友人保持联系,协助聘 请律师及其他事宜。一位七十岁的记者,一生致力于探求真相,却被中共当局以莫须有罪名关进看守所。德国之声作为高瑜长期供稿合作伙伴,有道义责任 关注其安危。因此您作为德国之声的台长,代表德国之声是您的职权,有责任和能力为她的自由呼吁。相信您的探访及向中国政府的抗议,会对高瑜被羁押 期间的待遇带来改善。我将向您提供她的家人、律师的联系通道。

Confirming the news of Gao Yu’s criminal detention, Martin Liao, former President of the Independent Chinese Pen Center and renowned writer Liao Yiwu jointly wrote to Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier, and I myself have written 20 letters in total to President Gauck, Chancellor Merkel, Foreign Minister Steinmeier, Christoph Strässer, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid, and members of the Cross-Party Human Rights Group. The replies I have received show the German leaders have made diplomatic efforts. I have kept contact with Gao Yu’s family and her friends, and assisted with the hiring of lawyers and other matters. Seventy-year-old Gao Yu has lived her distinguished life in search of truth, and the Chinese Communist government now has detained her on trumped-up charges. As a long-term partner of Ms. Gao that she contributed to, DW has the moral responsibility to be concerned about her wellbeing. Therefore, Mr Limbourg as Director General of DW, it’s your job to represent DW, and you have both the responsibility and capacity to speak up for her. Your visit to her at the detention center and your protest to the Chinese government will improve Gao Yu’s situation in jail. I would be willing to provide channel for you to contact her family and attorneys.

我无法得知中德媒体论坛的具体议题,但我相信最重要的主题应该是新闻自由,如果林伯格先生在连续多届参与之后,敢于向与会的中国官媒负责人提出关 于新闻自由、中共当局一党专政垄断所有媒体进行谎言宣传、迫害记者掩盖真相等问题,必是不虚此行。

I do not know the detailed agenda of the China-Germany Media Forum, but I believe the most important topic should be press freedom. Sir, you have attended the forum numerous times, this trip will be a fruitful one if you raise the issue of press freedom and speak about how the CCP government has monopolize all media to spread propaganda and lies, to persecute journalists and hide the truth.

我尤其希望林伯格先生能将“多元化媒体”的德国之声价值推销给中共当局和中国媒体界,要求中国媒体不能办成“中共之声”。只有当这成为现实,德国之声不做“异议之声”才有合理基础。在中共垄断所有媒体的条件下,“异议之声”在中国无处发表,而“中共之声”正在试图以经济诱惑胁迫手段为后 盾,在全球拓展“大外宣”(中共官方文件用词)以压倒“异议之声”。这导致德国之声只有成为“异议之声”,才能在中文媒体圈达成“平衡报道”和 “多元化媒体”的目的。我愿相信林伯格先生在中共喉舌《环球时报》的盛情款待下不至于陶醉在中国美酒中而充当中共“大外宣”的工具。

I am particularly hoping Mr Limbourg would promote DW’s value of “media pluralism” to the CCP government and Chinese media sector, and request that Chinese media not to be the “voice of the CCP”. Only after this has become reality, can DW’s policy of “not being the voice of dissidents” have an appropriate foundation. Under the condition of the CCP controlling all the media in China, no “voice of dissent” would have any outlet in China. Meanwhile, the “voice of CCP” has launched an international campaign of “Global Foreign Propaganda” (term quoted from official documents)with economical rewards and coercion, to drown out the “voices of dissent”. This leads to a fact that DW should act exactly as a “voice of dissident” in order to achieve “balanced coverage” and “media pluralism” in the Chinese-language media. I would like to believe that you, Mr Limbourg, would not be so enchanted by Chinese wine offered by the hospitable Global Times, a CCP mouthpiece, so as to become a puppet in the CCP’s “Global Foreign Propaganda”.

另外从中国官方资料来看,因关于六四屠杀的评论而引发德国之声受到较大争议的主角 Frank Sieren 泽林先生,也在这次论坛名单上,不知道林伯格先生是否愿意把泽林先生在德国之声发表美化六四屠杀文之后,如潮的读众抗议转达给他?我对此有无限期待.



