[日期:2008-09-05] |
China Aid Association, Inc. http://www.monitorchina.org/ Photo: Shi Weihan September 4, 2008
CAA President Bob Fu, strongly condemned the Beijing authorities for their cruel and unjust treatment of Shi Weihan. Mr. Fu urged Beijing authorities to release Mr. Shi as soon as possible to avoid adversity amongst the international community. To express your concern over the unjust treatment of Shi Weihan, contact: Tang Long, City of Beijing Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal People’s Government. Phone: 011-86-10-62362008
Liu Jianchao, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director of Information Department. Phone: 011-86-10- 65963342
Issued by CAA, September 4, 2008
石维翰受折磨 老朋友认不出 对华援助协会2008-09-04首发 于2007年11月28日被逮捕今年1月4日无罪释放,后又于3月19日再次遭到逮捕迫害的北京市家庭教会领袖和商人石维翰先生一案,最近有了一点进展。8月21日,石维翰先生从北京看守所被转回海淀区看守所,本案也于最近从公安局转到了检察院。石维翰的健康状况更加令人担忧,已经瘦得让熟人都难以认出。对华援助协会会长傅希秋牧师,强烈谴责北京当局对石维翰弟兄的残酷迫害,呼吁尽快无罪释放石维翰,避免更加恶劣的国际和国内影响。 北京市家庭教会领袖和商人石维翰先生 |