(参与2014年5月14日讯)2014年5月14日,一批知名华人基督徒知识分子和牧师、律师等,在普度大学( Purdue University)联合发布《宗教自由普度共识》。以下是《 宗教自由普度共识》的中英文版本及首批签名。 “宗教自由普度共识”及签名“宗教自由与中国社会:典型案例学术研讨会” 于2014年5月5-7日在美国普度大学(Purdue University)举行,参加者包括律师、牧师和学者。经过三天的热烈研讨,对于宗教自由问题形成很多共识, 因此有人提议起草有关宗教自由的一个共识文本并且联署签名, 借以传播对于宗教自由的认知、倡导对于宗教自由问题的关注。 文本在经过全体参会人员讨论之后定稿,今天( 2014年5月14日)予以公布。 如果你愿意表达对于这个共识的支持,请发邮件到: religiousfreedom2014@gmail.com ,并请注明你的姓名、职业、居住地,也欢迎提交更详细的信息。 “宗教自由普度共识”及签名我们深切关注以下现实:1、在中国的宪法和法律中,缺乏对宗教自由的清晰界定和足够的保护。 2、在中国的法律和社会实践中,充满对公民的宗教自由的各种误解、侵犯、歧视和迫害。 3、在中国知识分子和一般民众中,也因此对宗教自由的价值和涵义缺乏理解和基本共识。 根据一系列国际人权公约对宗教自由的界定和保护,我们相信:1、宗教自由不但包括个人有选择相信或不相信某种宗教的良心自由和表 达自由,包括家庭成员(成人和儿童)持有和表达宗教信仰的自由, 包括父母有按着自己的宗教信仰教导子女或为子女选择宗教教育的自 由,及儿童有相信宗教和接受父母所选择的宗教教育的自由; 宗教自由也包括宗教群体在集体礼拜、 设立宗教场所和使用宗教标识、 出版宗教书籍及传播宗教信仰等宗教实践的自由。 2、宗教自由是现代国家和社会的基本和核心的价值。对宗教自由的保障不完整,则宪法上的言论和表达自由、 思想和学术自由、家庭及教育的自由等其他自由, 均无法得到完整和切实的保障。 3、宗教自由意味着宗教信仰和非宗教的思想体系在私人和公共领域内均 拥有平等的表达自由和法律地位, 宗教或非宗教的思想体系均不应被视为一种负面的和受歧视的思想体 系。 4、 宗教自由意味着对国家权力范围的一种限制,即国家不能判断任何宗教或非宗教思想体系在教义和道德上的对错和 正邪,更不能以此作为处罚公民的依据。 亦不能将任何一种宗教或非宗教的思想体系确立为国家的合法性依据 或赋予其法律上的优先地位。 5、宗教自由意味着国家无权或没有道德上的正当性,在“合法宗教”与“封建迷信”、“正教”与“邪教”或“正统”与“ 极端”之间进行区分和判断。任何传统宗教或新兴宗教的成员, 都不应仅仅因其相信、表达、传播和实践其宗教信仰, 而受到政府的审查和法律的判断。 为此,我们热切呼吁:无论相信任何宗教、教派或非宗教思想体系的中国公民,都有责任在法律上和公共生活中尊重、 保护和争取上述宗教自由的原则和价值。 签名:杨凤岗教授王永信牧师刘同苏牧师王怡牧师滕彪律师张凯律师洪予健牧师傅希秋牧师凌沧洲先生夏钧律师曼德牧师颜新恩牧师吴朝阳先生陈建刚律师金明日牧师黎雄兵律师李和平律师刘军宁博士张千帆教授孙毅教授陈耀敏牧师金中权牧师王保罗牧师张培鸿律师昝爱宗先生李亚丁牧师陈永苗先生李苏滨律师李方平律师隋牧青律师江天勇律师陈国第律师邢福增教授张志鹏博士朱瑞峰先生王文锋牧师庄道鹤律师唐吉田律师肖芳华律师王成律师唐荆陵律师刘士辉律师范学德先生夏业良博士刘凤钢牧师刘官长老王志勇牧师张伯笠牧师张立恒律师陈佐人教授刘卫国律师温司卡教授等“Purdue Consensus on Religious Freedom” with Signatories“Religious Freedom and Chinese Society: A Symposium of Case Analysis” was held on May 5-7, 2014 at Purdue University. The participants included lawyers, ministers, and scholars. Through engaging discussions, some consensus was reached. Consequently, some participants proposed to draft a text of consensus for signatures so that the understanding of religious freedom can be spread and greater attention can be paid to the issues of religious freedom in China. The text was finalized after further discussion by the symposium participants. The text and signatories of the Purdue Consensus on Religious Freedom are made public today (May 14, 2014).For those who want to support this consensus, please send an email toreligiousfreedom2014@gmail.com . Please include at least this information: your full name, profession, and residence.“Purdue Consensus on Religious Freedom” with SignatoriesWe are deeply concerned about the following reality:1. China’s Constitution and law lack a clear definition of and sufficient protection for religious freedom.2. Misunderstanding, violation, discrimination and persecution abound with regard to religious freedom in legal and social practices of China.3. As a result, intellectuals and the general public in China lack an understanding of and a basic consensus on the value and implications of religious freedom.In accordance with the definition and protection of religious freedom prescribed by a series of international covenants on human rights, we hold the following beliefs:1. Religious freedom encompasses not only individual freedom of conscience and the freedom to express belief or disbelief in a religion, but also the freedom of family members (adults and children) to adhere to and to express their religious faith, the freedom of parents to instruct their children in their religious faith, the freedom of parents to choose religious education for their children, and the freedom of children to practice their religion and receive the religious education chosen for them by their parents. Religious freedom also encompasses the freedom of religious groups to practice their faith, to worship together, to establish religious venues, to use religious symbols, to publish religious books, and to disseminate religious faith.2. Religious freedom is a basic and core value of modern nations and societies. Without full protection of religious freedom, other freedoms such as the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression, the freedom of thought, the freedom of academic pursuit, the freedom of family, and the freedom of education that are guaranteed by the Constitution will not be fully protected in reality.3. Religious freedom implies that religious faiths and non-religious systems, whether in private or in public, are entitled to equality with respect to free expression and legal standing. Neither religious nor non-religious systems shall be deemed negative and discriminated against.4. Religious freedom implies a constraint on state power, i.e. the state cannot pass judgment on any religious or non-religious system as doctrinally or morally right or wrong, good or bad, let alone penalize citizens on basis of such judgment. Neither can the state make any religious or non-religious system the basis for the state’s legitimacy and accord it a preferential legal status.5. Religious freedom implies that the state has no right or moral authority to distinguish between “legitimate religion” and “feudal superstition,” between “orthodox religion” and “heterodox cult,” between “orthodoxy” and “heresy.” Members of any traditional or emerging religion shall not be subject to government censorship or legal judgment for merely believing, expressing, disseminating, or practicing their religious faith.To that end, we fervently appeal that:In legal and public life, all Chinese citizens, irrespective of their religion, denomination, and non-religious system, have the responsibility to respect, to protect, and to fight for the above principles and values of religious freedom.Signatories:Professor Yang FenggangRev. Wang Yongxin (Thomas Wang)Rev. Liu TongsuRev. Wang YiAttorney Teng BiaoAttorney Zhang KaiRev. Hong YujianRev. Fu Xiqiu (Bob Fu)Mr. Ling CangzhouAttorney Xia JunRev. Man De (Guo Baosheng)Rev. Yan Xin’en (John Yan)Mr. Wu ChaoyangAttorney Chen Jian’gangRev. Jin Mingri (Ezra Jin)Attorney Li XiongbingAttorney Li HepingDr. Liu JunningProfessor Zhang QianfanProfessor Sun YiRev. Chen YaominRev. Jin ZhongquanRev. Wang Baoluo (Paul Wang)Attorney Zhang PeihongMr. Zan AizongRev. Li YadingMr. Chen YongmiaoAttorney Li SubinAttorney Li FangpingAttorney Sui MuqingAttorney Jiang TianyongAttorney Chen GuodiProfessor Xing Fuzeng (Ying Fuk-Tsang)Dr. Zhang ZhipengMr. Zhu RuifengRev. Wang WenfengAttorney Zhuang DaoheAttorney Tang JitianAttorney Xiao FanghuaAttorney Wang ChengAttorney Tang JinglingAttorney Liu ShihuiMr. Fan XuedeDr. Xia YeliangRev. Liu FenggangMr. Liu GuanRev. Wang Zhiyong (Paul Wang)Rev. Zhang BoliAttorney Zhang LihengProfessor Chen Zuoren (Stephen Chan)Attorney Liu WeiguoProfessor Sze-Kar Wan