[日期:2008-04-21] 来源:了了园 作者:曾金燕 [字体:大 中 小]
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    – 2006年胡佳失踪之前的医学体检报告显示:胡佳没有肝硬化的病症;胡佳肝硬化的病情是从2006年他被警察绑架失踪41天后发现的;他41天失踪时,我把药送到警察局,警察坚持不收;当时胡佳不但没有药,开始十几天禁闭在小屋子里不能见阳光;我们认为警方的这些做法直接导致了胡佳病情恶化至肝硬化的状况。
    – 胡佳在2006年5月10日出院时,地坛医院给出的出院诊断是:\”肝尖、后肝硬化,活动性,失代偿期,2型,门脉高压,脾功能衰退,慢性胆囊炎,胆囊多发息肉\”。胡佳的肝硬化病情是不可逆转的,已经无法治愈,最多只是维持现状。
    – 他现在有贺普丁(又名拉米夫定),其他的辅助治疗的药没有;他没有规律的医疗检查,也没有专科医生(按要求应该每个月抽学化验乙肝五项和病毒载量等指标,然后根据指标由专科医生就诊开药方);据说胡佳在看守所有过一次化验,但是他本人、律师和家人都没有看到任何的化验报告。
    – 胡佳是纯素食,但是看守所缺蔬菜,我们现在都不清楚他究竟吃什么,估计是馒头和米汤之类的;看守所的管教曾经背着看守所所长偷偷给胡佳黄瓜和芝麻酱吃,胡佳说那是奢侈品。言下之意,很少有机会吃到。
    – 肝硬化的病人需要营养好,休息好,不能有重体力消耗,但是胡佳在看守所没有足够的营养食物,被疲劳审讯,剥夺睡眠,剥夺防风机会等,足以让他的病情恶化,国保告诉我胡佳曾经有一次口腔溃疡;看守所日常活动是\”坐板\”,即坐在一个小硬板凳上长时间不能动,一般是早上从六点坐到十二点,下午一般是坐到吃晚饭,律师及已经出狱的政治犯告知,\”坐板\”会导致当事人晕倒、脚肿及血脉不通带来的各种问题。
    – 3月18日我看见他脸色发青,苍白消瘦,胡佳曾经向我要眼罩,说自己睡觉有问题,其他的我们不知道;胡佳本人也说\”我快顶不住了,希望尽快转到监狱\”,我希望对他的健康的呼吁和关注越快越多越好。
    His illnesses
    – He has been a long term sufferer from hepatitis B (apparently a long term illness)
    – He also suffers from cirrhosis of the liver, possibly triggered by his 41 day detention by the guobao police in 2006. I think liver cirrhosis is a complication that can develop from hepatitis B. The illness was discovered after his release in 2006. He had not been given medication and he had staged a hunger strike initially during this detention.
    Major concerns now
    – No clear understanding of the state of his health. He may not have had a health check since he was first detained on 27 December 2007. There was a report that he got a health check at some point during trial detention, but what is certain is that neither he himself, nor his lawyers, nor his family were ever told of the results.
    – Insufficient medication – he receives one kind of medicine but apparently he would need more. He would require a doctor\’s advice on what further medication he should be taking.
    – Insufficient food. Hu Jia is a Buddhist and vegetarian and he needs to eat a lot of vegetables and eggs, soy products etc. to stay healthy. But it seems that he scarcely gets any of those and Jinyan thinks he probably lives on mantou and rice gruel. Once some vegetables (cucumber) and sesame sauce were smuggled to him and his reaction showed how much he needed such better food.
    – General conditions in detention: sleep deprivation, deprivation of fresh air, physical and mental strain e.g. as a consequence of the \’education\’ sessions he has to go through. We know Hu Jia went through 48 6-14 hour interrogation/ thought education sessions in the first two months, they all began in the evenings and went on into the night. He also had to participate in the detention centre exercises (described in the text by Jinyan in which she comments on the verdict).
    – His appearance is alarming. For one thing, the lawyers and Jinyan have observed him to be unusually apathetic and unwilling to answer questions. Then Lawyer Li Jinsong reported that he had \’confessed\’ and so on. And his face appeared grey/pale to others. He also said to lawyer Li Fangping that he was barely able to bear it any longer.