
1. 鋒鎖發言:
「我們活著,就有義務抗爭。」這是2013年南韓電影The Attorney (臺灣譯名為《正義辯護人》,港譯《逆權大狀》)裏令人印象深刻的一句台詞。這部電影描述了一個律師的改變,如何喚起了一群人以至一個國家的覺醒。電影中律師的奮鬥,仿佛也就是今天生活在中國的人權律師的寫照,它意味著辛酸、苦難,卻也代表著勇氣和堅毅。

Honourable guests and lawyers,
"We live to fight. It is our obligation.” This is a striking line noted in a 2013 South Korean film, The
Attorney. The film describes how the change of a lawyer inspires the awakening of those around
him, and of a whole nation. The struggles of the lawyer in the movie seems to be the portrayal of
the human rights lawyers living in China today. It is about bitterness and suffering, but it also stands
for courage and perseverance.


Today we are here to present the China Human Rights Award, the purpose of which is to pay tribute
to the lawyers in China who are fighting with heart and soul for the betterment of human rights and
rule of law protection in the country, by performing diligently their duties as lawyers, by upholding
the principles of justice, and even risking arrests and incarceration.

經過廣泛的提名過程和各籌辦機構的評議,我們選出了2021年度的兩位得獎人: 常瑋平律師和丁家喜律師。

After an extensive nomination process and discussion among the organisers, we have come up with
the following two awardees for 2021: lawyer Chang Weiping and lawyer Ding Jiaxi.


With the Award, we wish to salute the two lawyers now in custody, and to convey to their families
our solidarity and warm support. At the same time, we want to call on the international community
to continue speaking up and expressing concern on their cases. We must pass onto the Chinese
government a very clear message that as a member of the international community, it cannot evade
its state obligations of heeding to and implementing the internationally recognized and endorsed
standards of human rights and the rule of law.


Chang Weiping, born in 1984 in Baoji, Shannxi, is among the most active members of the younger
generation of the human rights lawyers in China.
He obtained his lawyer’s licence in 2011. Thereafter he took up multiple sensitive cases concerning
religious rights, land rights, death penalty, arbitrary arrests and detention, power abuses and unjust
criminal procedures. He was also vocal in speaking up for fellow lawyers who were suppressed. His
work made him the government’s target of persecution.
Weiping has also served as pro-bono lawyer for NGOs, assisting cases against discrimination and
providing legal consultation to the socially disadvantaged communities including victims of
contaminated vaccines, women and sexual minorities.
Weiping had his licence cancelled by the authorities in 2019. On 22 October 2020, he was taken
away by the local police from his native town where he had been house-arrested for nearly 10
months, allegedly for “inciting subversion of state power”. His latest arrest was suspected to be the
result of his disclosure to the public of his experience being tortured earlier that year. By far, Weiping
has remained incommunicado. He has not been allowed to see his lawyer or family. Nothing is
known about his physical and psychological status of being.

丁家喜, 湖北省宜昌人,1967年生。他在1994年獲取律師資格。至2010年前後,他積極參與北京民間組織「公盟」的新公民運動,倡議流動兒童平等教育權及官員公開財富。並因而獲罪,於2013年被指「尋釁滋事」及「聚衆擾亂社會秩序」罪成被吊銷律師執照並 判刑三年半。2016年10月出獄。

Ding Jiaxi, born in 1967 in Yichang, Hubei. Jiaxi obtained his lawyer’s licence in 1994. Around 2010,
he began to actively take part in the New Citizens Movement organised by an NGO in Beijing called
Gongmeng. The Movement advocated for equal education rights for children of the migrant workers
in China, and for the government officials to declare their wealth and assets. As a result, Jiaxi was
accused in 2013 of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles” and “assembling a crowd to disrupt
social order”. He was sentenced to 3.5 years of imprisonment and was released in October 2016.
On 26 December 2019, Ding Jiaxi was again arrested, allegedly in relation to the “Xiamen Gathering”.
He was accused of “subverting state power”, and was held incommunicado until January 2021. He
has been allowed to meet his lawyer online. News has broken that Jiaxi suffered torture during his
recent detention, which included fatigue interrogation with constrainted posture on the “tiger chair”,
solitary confinement, deprivation of food and sleep, and round the clock bombardment of Xi
Jinping’s propaganda on amplifier non-stop for 10 consecutive days.

現在,讓我們歡迎常瑋平律師的妻子陳紫娟女士 和 丁家喜律師的妻子 羅勝春女士,她們將代表兩位律師接受 2021年度的中國人權律師獎。先請紫鵑。

May we now warmly welcome Ms. Chen Zijuan, wife of Chang Weiping, and Ms. Luo Shengchun,
wife of Ding Jiaxi, to join us and accept the 2021 China Human Rights Lawyers Award on behalf of
the two lawyers. First, Ms. Chen, please.

2. 頒獎,家屬致謝辭

3. 鋒鎖結語

Thank you Zijuan, thank you Shengchun.
In this severe political environment, it might be difficult for an egg to rival the high solid wall of
stone. But if we look in history, dictatorship did not last as it could never survive the scrutiny and
resistance of the people. I believe every single endeavour we have made and are making will embark
on the path to change. As noted in the movie Attorney, "The stone will eventually turn into sand, but
a broken egg can nurture life." Let us stay united and resolute.


Now we would like to invite the audience to watch two short video clips with us. The first one was
recorded by lawyer Chang Weiping soon before he was arrested, and the second by the daughter of
lawyer Ding Jiaxi.