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Boxun’s correspondent was informed on Thursday March 5, 2015 that Jincheng, Shanxi Province netizen Wang Baoping (screen name “Cool Breeze Coming”), due to a microblog post satirizing the 12-term National People’s Congress delegate Shen Jilan, was taken in the morning to the South Street detention center and then transferred to the Public Security Bureau branch office (branch office telephone number: 0356-3030110). He hasn’t been released. In light of this netizens have pointed out that People’s Congress deputies serve the people, how can the people satirize one of their representatives? Can it be that they really represent the Communist Party?
Netizen “Kudzu Vine Spring” also angrily said: “A maternal aunt visits a few days a month. Auntie Shen visits a few days a year! Jincheng, Shanxi Province netizen Wang Baoping may be imprisoned for making fun of Auntie Shen Jilan. Everybody send their regards to Auntie Shen, who holds down a job without doing any work!”
It’s important to note that renowned human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang has also been charged with the crime of satirizing Shen Jilan, Mao Xinyu, Lei Feng, and others in a microblog post. Pu Zhiqiang on January 31, 2013 wrote: “In addition to luck and lineage, Shen Jilan and Mao Xinyu are committee members, both playing dumb and being dumb. This illustrates how meaningless the NPC and CPPCC meetings are. To be like a fish in water, you have to play dumb and be dumb. I have no hope of Committee Member Mao Xinyu being smart. I just implore Auntie Shen: Life is as light as a goose feather, death is as heavy as Tai Mountain. You would be better off dead. You’re 84 years old, and have been an NPC delegate for 60 years. Die on the battlefield and the NPC will make you a martyr!”