
您可以选择用支票、信用卡、Venmo等方法捐款(美国捐款可以扣税,EIN 30-0413217),请注明“香港” 或“Hong Kong”。办法详见:
Email: hc@h-China.org
Facebook: @fengsuo.zhou
=== Humanitarian China fundraising appeal: Supporting humanitarian aid in Hong Kong ===
Hong Kong’s massive protest movement has attracted the whole world's attention. Since 9 June 2019, citizens in Hong Kong have been holding huge rallies and demonstrations, opposing extradition to China and defending the rule of law, democracy and freedom. Undeterred by heavy-handed police suppression, brave Hong Kongers take to the streets again and again, successfully halting the extradition bill. However, the Hong Kong government still ignores public opinion and has not fully responded to the five main demands of the demonstrators: a full withdrawal of the extradition bill; a retraction of the characterization of the movement as a "riot," a retraction of the charges against anti-extradition protesters, the establishment of an independent committee to investigate the Hong Kong Police Force’s use of force, and the implementation of universal suffrage for the chief executive officer role and Hong Kong’s legislature. During the weeks of protests, a large number of demonstrators and even some journalists have been injured; many have been arrested, with some charged with "rioting." Protesters and ordinary citizens have been subjected to increasing violence. For instance, men in white shirts brutally attacked protesters and passers-by in Yuen Long; fireworks were shot from a moving car into a crowd of protesters outside the Tin Shui Wai police station. Since police fired rubber bullets, bean bag rounds and tear gas into peaceful demonstrators and caused bloody clashes on June 12, four young people have fallen to their deaths, making their final, bloody protests against China’s Communist regime, who has broken its promise of a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong and allowing Hong Kong to maintain its own governing system under the "one country, two systems" principle.
People from all walks of life in Hong Kong have been tirelessly fighting for the freedoms and rights that they rightfully deserve. The people of Hong Kong are on the frontline of a global battle against growing authoritarianism. Their unwavering spirit of resistance has won the admiration and support of all freedom-loving people in the world who uphold universal values.
We are launching an appeal to raise funds for humanitarian aid for injured, arrested or martyred Hong Kong citizens. Would you give generously out of your love and care for Hong Kong? By donating, you will be effectively assisting the people of Hong Kong in fighting the good fight of democracy.
Humanitarian China will work in partnership with credible civil society organizations in Hong Kong. This appeal aims at providing humanitarian aid in Hong Kong, mainly through funds such as "612 Humanitarian Relief Fund," and can potentially be used for victims’ resettlement in the US, if necessary. We will keep you updated on our progress with this public
fundraising appeal. Regardless of the total amount raised through this appeal, Humanitarian China will provide at least HK$100,000 in donations to Hong Kong. 
Founded by participants in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests from Beijing and overseas in 2007, Humanitarian China is a registered non-profit charity in California. All its staff members are volunteers; all funds raised are used to help victims of political persecution in China. In recent years, Humanitarian China has been providing small relief funds to more than 100 struggling prisoners of conscience and their families every year. 
You can choose to send us a check, credit card or Venmo donation. If you are giving from the US, your donation is fully tax-deductible (EIN 30-0413217). Please indicate "Hong Kong". For more details on how to donate, please visit
Thank you very much for your generosity.
Contact: Fengsuo Zhou
Email: hc@h-China.org
Twitter: @ZhouFengSuo
Facebook: @fengsuo.zhou 
民主中国 | minzhuzhongguo.org


您可以选择用支票、信用卡、Venmo等方法捐款(美国捐款可以扣税,EIN 30-0413217),请注明“香港” 或“Hong Kong”。办法详见:
Email: hc@h-China.org
Facebook: @fengsuo.zhou
=== Humanitarian China fundraising appeal: Supporting humanitarian aid in Hong Kong ===
Hong Kong’s massive protest movement has attracted the whole world's attention. Since 9 June 2019, citizens in Hong Kong have been holding huge rallies and demonstrations, opposing extradition to China and defending the rule of law, democracy and freedom. Undeterred by heavy-handed police suppression, brave Hong Kongers take to the streets again and again, successfully halting the extradition bill. However, the Hong Kong government still ignores public opinion and has not fully responded to the five main demands of the demonstrators: a full withdrawal of the extradition bill; a retraction of the characterization of the movement as a "riot," a retraction of the charges against anti-extradition protesters, the establishment of an independent committee to investigate the Hong Kong Police Force’s use of force, and the implementation of universal suffrage for the chief executive officer role and Hong Kong’s legislature. During the weeks of protests, a large number of demonstrators and even some journalists have been injured; many have been arrested, with some charged with "rioting." Protesters and ordinary citizens have been subjected to increasing violence. For instance, men in white shirts brutally attacked protesters and passers-by in Yuen Long; fireworks were shot from a moving car into a crowd of protesters outside the Tin Shui Wai police station. Since police fired rubber bullets, bean bag rounds and tear gas into peaceful demonstrators and caused bloody clashes on June 12, four young people have fallen to their deaths, making their final, bloody protests against China’s Communist regime, who has broken its promise of a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong and allowing Hong Kong to maintain its own governing system under the "one country, two systems" principle.
People from all walks of life in Hong Kong have been tirelessly fighting for the freedoms and rights that they rightfully deserve. The people of Hong Kong are on the frontline of a global battle against growing authoritarianism. Their unwavering spirit of resistance has won the admiration and support of all freedom-loving people in the world who uphold universal values.
We are launching an appeal to raise funds for humanitarian aid for injured, arrested or martyred Hong Kong citizens. Would you give generously out of your love and care for Hong Kong? By donating, you will be effectively assisting the people of Hong Kong in fighting the good fight of democracy.
Humanitarian China will work in partnership with credible civil society organizations in Hong Kong. This appeal aims at providing humanitarian aid in Hong Kong, mainly through funds such as "612 Humanitarian Relief Fund," and can potentially be used for victims’ resettlement in the US, if necessary. We will keep you updated on our progress with this public
fundraising appeal. Regardless of the total amount raised through this appeal, Humanitarian China will provide at least HK$100,000 in donations to Hong Kong. 
Founded by participants in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests from Beijing and overseas in 2007, Humanitarian China is a registered non-profit charity in California. All its staff members are volunteers; all funds raised are used to help victims of political persecution in China. In recent years, Humanitarian China has been providing small relief funds to more than 100 struggling prisoners of conscience and their families every year. 
You can choose to send us a check, credit card or Venmo donation. If you are giving from the US, your donation is fully tax-deductible (EIN 30-0413217). Please indicate "Hong Kong". For more details on how to donate, please visit
Thank you very much for your generosity.
Contact: Fengsuo Zhou
Email: hc@h-China.org
Twitter: @ZhouFengSuo
Facebook: @fengsuo.zhou