你好!欢迎!欢迎光临自由雕塑公园。在为期百日的天安门大屠杀30周年纪念活动的最后一天,各位能到这里支持我们,非常感谢。我是 耶莫镇(Yermo)的本地居民,常常有人就自由雕塑公园问我:它到底是什么?有什么含义?为何在这里出现?代表了什么?这些人是不是共产党?
我要感谢向我们活动致函的美国加州参议员Diane Feinstein、加州议员Jay Obernolte、加州参议员Shannon Grove,以及接受我们邀请发言的各位嘉宾,还有前来出席的每一位。感谢巴斯托小姐们参加、支持我们的活动。感谢各位今天来到这里,纪念共产暴政的受害者,向那些继续与“坦克人”一起为自由中国而努力奋斗的人士致敬。
Nihao, huan ying, Hello and welcome to the Liberty Sculpture Park. I am grateful for your attendance and support as we culminate 100-days commemoration of the 30-year anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. As a local of Yermo, I am often asked about the Liberty Sculpture Park. What is it? What does it mean? Why is it here? Are they communist? What does it stand for?
There is some confusion about this place. I tell them about how Chinese dissidents had to make their way here, to the United States, a place of freedom and liberty to be able to speak about what was going on in China under the communist regime. That the Chinese Democratic movement needed the safety of Yermo to be able to state simple things. Like we the people have the right to exist. We have the right to protect ourselves from a government using us in terrible ways. A government that destroys our bodies and mind, that subjects us to labor without pay, that can torture us or harvest our organs, and can imprison or disappear us for our thoughts or beliefs. China is a place where the government owns the people. The United States is a place where We the People own the government. This park is a place of protest against the tyranny of communism and place of remembrance of those that fight for democracy and a free China.
The Liberty Sculpture Park is developing into an international place of remembrance and learning on the subject of the survivors of communism. This park stands for the fundamental belief that Human Rights are inalienable given to us by a higher authority than the human construct of government. That the right of freedom and liberty are worth fighting for, protesting about and protecting, even unto death.
Today we remember the million people of China that spent months demonstrating for democratic reform in 1989 throughout China. We recognize those that were on hunger strike and had moved into tents in Tiananmen Square. By mid-May the numbers of demonstrators had grown to over one million people. Martial law was imposed and the Chinese government mobilized their army to put an end to the protest. On June 3rd thousands of Chinese armies were sent to the square and June 4th the Army began to shoot the activists. Thirty years later and the numbers of people killed and injured that day are still unclear, but they are estimated to be in the thousands.
Discussion of the protest and the Government’s brutal ending of them is still prohibited in China. This history is not taught in their schools. The Government of China blocks access to the information about it on Wikipedia and the internet. Fearing a resurgence to the democracy reform protests, the communist round up activists to send on forced trips away from Beijing at this time of year. Prevent them from peacefully revisiting the square on anniversaries. Thirty years later, no government apologies or acknowledgement of the tragedy that was June 4, 1989 has ever been made.
This is why we, as free people, must remember the events in China and stand up for those in China that cannot do so for themselves safely. Helping the Chinese Democracy movement here by simply refusing to forget what happened to freedom seekers thirty years ago there.
We mark this place with a memorial for the known and unknown that died June 4th, six four, in Tiananmen Square. We come here to speak for those that cannot as we state our support for democracy and a free China while remembering the dead of that day. Now we add the Tank Man to our monument. Letting his image of civil disobedience represent the spirit of the Democracy Movement. His courageous act of defiance against forces seemingly insurmountable giving us hope for a future were the people of China can join us in our democratic freedoms.
Yermo is humbled to be entrusted with being the home for such a fantastic park. We believe that art is a powerful form of communication. If we can inspire the millions of people traveling by each year to act with us, then a democratic revolution can be formed for the people of China.
I would like to express gratitude to United States Senator for California Diane Feinstein, California Assemblymen Jay Obernolte, California State Senator Shannon Grove for sending letters of recognition of our event and to those guests that accepted our invitation to speak and to all of you attending. I appreciate the Barstow Pageant queens attending and supporting our event. Thank you all for being here today to remember the victims of communist oppression and to honor the efforts of those that continue to stand with the Tank Man for a free China.
Xie Xie, Thank You!