今天,在沈阳诊治刘晓波的两名海外专家——德国海德堡大学医学院外科系主任比歇尔(Markus Büchler)和美国MD安德森癌症中心放疗系教授赫尔曼(Joseph Herman)发表了联合声明。他们明确指出:刘晓波可以安全地被运到国外治疗,且目前可能存在其他医疗选项,包括介入性程序及放射性治疗。两位专家认为,虽然转移病人永远有一定程度的风险,但刘晓波可以在适当的医疗支援及护理下安全转移,惟需要尽快进行。声明还提出,德国海德堡大学及美国MD安德森癌症中心均准备接收刘晓波,向其提供最佳的治疗。
Announcement 7 from “Freedom for Liu Xiaobo Action Group”
Time is of the essence, Let Liu Xiaobo go abroad for treatment now!
Today, two foreign experts who treated Liu Xiaobo in Shenyang, Dr. Markus Büchler, Chairman, Department of Surgery, University of Heidelberg and Dr. Joseph M. Herman, Clinical Research Director, Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, issued a joint statement. They clearly pointed out that Liu Xiaobo can be safely transported overseas for treatment. They noted that “[a]dditional options may exist, including interventional procedures and radiotherapy”. The two physicians stated that, “While a degree of risk always exists in the movement of any patient, both physicians believe Mr. Liu can be safely transported with appropriate medical evacuation care and support. However, the medical evacuation would have to take place as quickly as possible.” The statement concluded by saying that both the University of Heidelberg in Germany and MD Anderson Cancer Center in the USA have agreed to accept Liu Xiaobo for treatment, and both institutions are prepared to offer him the best care possible.
The above statement by the two medical experts has conclusively rebutted the official propaganda that it is unsafe for Liu Xiaobo to be transported overseas.
As such we issue this most urgent appeal: time is now of the essence, and the Chinese Government must, in the spirit of humanitarianism, accept the opinions of the two experts and respond to the great concern both within China and overseas, and arrange for Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia and their family members to leave the country for treatment.
Liu Xiaobo’s life is now in imminent danger; please give him back the right to choose freely for treatment overseas. Any delay and obstruction are no different from a drawn out murder.
Freedom for Liu Xiaobo Action Group
9 July 2017
“Freedom for Liu Xiaobo Action Group” is a group of volunteers concerned about the illness of Liu Xiaobo. We are currently responsible for the work relating to “Urgent Appeal: Complete Freedom for Liu Xiaobo”, liaising with world media about the publication of news relating to Liu Xiaobo, and other campaign actions. “Freedom for Liu Xiaobo Action Group” will not give up until the day that Liu Xiaobo is completely free.
Announcement 7 from “Freedom for Liu Xiaobo Action Group”
Time is of the essence, Let Liu Xiaobo go abroad for treatment now!
Today, two foreign experts who treated Liu Xiaobo in Shenyang, Dr. Markus Büchler, Chairman, Department of Surgery, University of Heidelberg and Dr. Joseph M. Herman, Clinical Research Director, Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, issued a joint statement. They clearly pointed out that Liu Xiaobo can be safely transported overseas for treatment. They noted that “[a]dditional options may exist, including interventional procedures and radiotherapy”. The two physicians stated that, “While a degree of risk always exists in the movement of any patient, both physicians believe Mr. Liu can be safely transported with appropriate medical evacuation care and support. However, the medical evacuation would have to take place as quickly as possible.” The statement concluded by saying that both the University of Heidelberg in Germany and MD Anderson Cancer Center in the USA have agreed to accept Liu Xiaobo for treatment, and both institutions are prepared to offer him the best care possible.
The above statement by the two medical experts has conclusively rebutted the official propaganda that it is unsafe for Liu Xiaobo to be transported overseas.
As such we issue this most urgent appeal: time is now of the essence, and the Chinese Government must, in the spirit of humanitarianism, accept the opinions of the two experts and respond to the great concern both within China and overseas, and arrange for Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia and their family members to leave the country for treatment.
Liu Xiaobo’s life is now in imminent danger; please give him back the right to choose freely for treatment overseas. Any delay and obstruction are no different from a drawn out murder.
Freedom for Liu Xiaobo Action Group
9 July 2017
“Freedom for Liu Xiaobo Action Group” is a group of volunteers concerned about the illness of Liu Xiaobo. We are currently responsible for the work relating to “Urgent Appeal: Complete Freedom for Liu Xiaobo”, liaising with world media about the publication of news relating to Liu Xiaobo, and other campaign actions. “Freedom for Liu Xiaobo Action Group” will not give up until the day that Liu Xiaobo is completely free.