我授权“Germany Stands With Hong Kong”,2019年11月9日在柏林墙的勃兰登堡门,代表我宣读这篇文字,我也同意制作成双语传单,向在场民众散发。 谢谢!
I authorize “Germany Stands With Hong Kong”,On November 9th, 2019, at the Brandenburg Gate in the Berlin Wall, read this text on my behalf. I also agreed to make a bilingual flyer and distribute it to the people present.
遺憾的是,黃之鋒的比喻沒有引起關注,他想去柏林牆發表演講的願望也未能實現。這是一個西方政壇務實、 投機、左右搖擺的時代,當美國總統特朗普頻頻發動針對中國的貿易戰時,他並不瞭解香港對整個自由世界意味着什麽,而其它西方領袖呢?對香港瞭解更多或更少 ?也許,在將來某一天,政治家們想到補課和複習的時候,就已退休了……我退不了休,我是一個價值觀堅定的流亡作家,我想說:“新冷戰開始了!”。
像30年前柏林牆倒塌象徵著舊冷戰結束,今天香港的不屈不撓,象征著新冷戰開始。西柏林曾經是一塊“民主 飛地”,儘管四周被社會主義陣營重重圍困,仍有多少東德人冒著生命危險,翻越柏林牆——正如有多少中國 人冒着生命危險,穿越山嶺、荒原和大海,偷渡到香港 ——因為香港是整個亞洲最接近西方的國度,與香港接近的台灣和日本,都有根深蔕固的東方文化傳統或包袱 ,只有香港在英國人手中,從一個無名漁村發展為一個著名國際都市,它那持續了100多年的傳統是英美政治、 經濟、文化傳統。
——如果香港失敗,就如30年前西柏林被東德和蘇聯吞噬,人類歷史將進入最黑暗的時期,只有北京天安門燈火輝煌。除開10月1日,他們還有無數反人類的盛大慶典 ,一直持續到上帝發怒,讓地球跌入茫茫冰河。
——如果香港失敗,傷痕累累的抵抗者們能否如1940 年的敦刻爾克大撤退,突圍并安然渡海?可歐洲大陸對 岸是英國,是給予了香港民主制度的英國;而香港的對岸是台灣,是鄧小平提出的、要按一國兩制的香港模式 、最終實現祖國統一的台灣。
台灣擁有民主,因擔心中共滲透,暫時還沒有《難民法 》。可據最新消息,在美國國會即將通過《香港民主與 人權法案》的鼓舞下,台灣政府也正醞釀出臺一部類似 的、專門針對香港危機的難民法案。
1963年6月26日,美國總統約翰•肯尼迪來到剛建好的 柏林牆,宣布他是柏林人。今天,全世界熱愛自由的人 都必須說:我是香港人。我是《中英聯合聲明》簽訂前 就在這裡的香港人,我見證過1997,英國的撤離,我不願被共產黨奴役;我是逃港者的後裔,我的祖父因為飢餓和坐牢從中國偷渡過來;我是與警察對峙的示威者, 我也支持1989年被鎮壓的中國民運;我是被跨境綁架的銅鑼灣書商,雖然我的國籍是瑞典和英國;我是關注新疆、西藏、法輪功和709迫害律師案的人權工作者,我也可能被跨境綁架到廣東;我是在柏林申請政治避難的第 一個香港人;我是因為恐懼逃到台灣、又返回香港的“勇武派”;我也可能是再次逃離香港的政治難民、中國政府通緝的暴亂分子,我在茫茫大海上漂泊,不知道未來在哪裡……
我是香港人,我相信香港的呼救會被全世界所有熱愛自由的人聽到,會被上帝或佛陀聽到。我將反抗和堅持, 直到最後一刻。
廖亦武,天安門大屠殺主要見證者之一,中國政治犯群 體中最為突出的詩人、作家、音樂家,因在六四慘案之夜和加拿大漢學家 Michael Martin Day 一起創作并製 作《大屠殺》錄音磁帶并傳播到20多個城市而被捕,判 刑4年。出獄後長期從事底層人物採訪和地下文學創作。 2011年7月在德國前外交部長韋斯特維勒的親自幫助下 ,買通黑社會,渡過中越邊境,從河內機場飛抵柏林。 主要作品有長詩《大屠殺》、音樂CD《河流或時間》、 見證文學《為了一首歌和一百首歌-來自中國監獄的見證人報告》《吆尸人》《上帝是紅色的》《子彈鴉片- 天安門大屠殺的生與死》《輪回的螞蟻》等。他的作品已被翻譯成近30種文字,深具國際影響。他是2011年德 國紹爾兄妹獎、2012年德國書業和平獎、2016年德國 Hohenschhausen監獄博物館獎、2018年美國瓦茨拉夫 哈維爾圖書基金會奬得主。也曾多次被劉曉波、赫塔 穆 勒、獨立中文筆會推薦為諾貝爾文學獎候選人。
I’m A Hong Kong-er
—A New Cold War Has Begun!!
On September 9, Hong Kong’s youngest political prisoner, 22-year-old Joshua Wong, visited Berlin while out on bail. He said that Hong Kong was West Berlin during the Cold War. This analogy has profound implications. Thirty years ago, Joshua Wong was not yet born, but Hong Kong had already begun to commemorate the June Fourth Movement. Year after year, tens of thousands have flocked to Victoria Park to attend candlelit evenings in commemoration of the victims of the June 4th massacre. Joshua Wong’s parents participated, and then Joshua himself. This formed a “traditional commemorative culture” like that in Germany – and this stands in stark contrast to the tradition of forgetting in China.
Regrettably, Joshua Wong’s analogy did not attract much attention, and his desire to speak at the Berlin Wall was not realized. This is an era of pragmatism, opportunism, and vacillation in the Western political arena. When President Trump launched his trade wars against China, he did not understand what Hong Kong meant for the entire free world. But other Western leaders? Do they understand Hong Kong more, or less? Perhaps, one day in the future, when these politicians think of taking remedial classes and review [the past], they’ll have already retired… but I can’t retire, I am a writer in exile possessing strong values, I want to say: “A new cold war has begun!”
Like the fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago symbolizes the end of the old Cold War, today Hong Kong’s indomitableness symbolizes the beginning of the new Cold War. West Berlin used to be a “democratic enclave” despite being surrounded by a socialist state. How many East Germans risked their lives to cross the Berlin Wall? Just as many Chinese have risked their lives, crossing mountains, wastelands and seas, smuggling themselves into Hong Kong. This is because Hong Kong is the region in Asia closest to the West. While countries physically closer to Hong Kong, like Taiwan and Japan, have deep-rooted domestic cultural traditions or burdens, only Hong Kong was in the hands of the British, developing from a nameless fishing village into a famous international city with over a hundred years of a mix of British and American political, economic and cultural traditions.
– If Hong Kong fails, just as West Berlin was swallowed up by East Germany and the Soviet Union until 30 years ago, human history will enter its darkest period since the Tiananmen massacre was in full swing. Besides this October 1st, the Communist Party will have numerous other grand anti-humanity celebrations, continuing until God becomes angry and covers the earth with glaciers.
– If Hong Kong fails, can the scarred resistors retreat as at Dunkirk in 1940, breaking through and crossing the sea safely? The United Kingdom, which bequeathed to Hong Kong [the beginnings of] a democratic system, is on the other side of the Eurasian continent. And on the seaward side of Hong Kong is Taiwan. But it was Deng Xiaoping who proposed China implement the Hong Kong model of ‘one country, two systems’ to ultimately realize Taiwan’s reunification with the fatherland.
Taiwan has democracy and is worried about Communist Party of China infiltration, and, at the moment, still has no Refugee Law. But, according to the latest news, encouraged by the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 working its way through the US Congress, the Taiwan government is preparing a refugee bill specifically targeting the Hong Kong crisis.
On June 26, 1963, President John F. Kennedy came to the newly built Berlin Wall and declared he was a Berliner. Today, people all over the world who love freedom must say: I am a Hong Kong-er., and that I was a Hong Kong-er before the signing of the “Sino-British Joint Declaration” in 1984. That I witnessed the withdrawal of the United Kingdom in 1997. That I am not willing to be enslaved by the Communist Party of China. That I am a descendant of those who escaped to Hong Kong, my grandfather fled China because of starvation and imprisonment. I am a demonstrator confronting the police. I also supported the civil movement in China that was suppressed in 1989. I am a bookstore owner in Causeway Bay who was kidnapped and smuggled into China, even though my nationality is both Swedish and British. I am concerned about Xinjiang, Tibet, the Falun Gong, and human rights workers helping the imprisoned lawyers. I am the first Hong Kong-er to apply for political asylum in Berlin. I am a demonstrator who initially fled to Taiwan out of fear and then returned to Hong Kong. I may also be a political refugee who once again fled Hong Kong, a “rioter” wanted by the Chinese government. I am drifting on a vast, dark sea, not knowing where the future may be…
I am a Hong Kong-er. I believe Hong Kong’s call for help will be heard by all those in the world who love freedom and that it will also be heard by God and Buddha. I will resist and persist until the very end.
Liao Yiwu, 9,11, 2019
[translated by Michael Martin Day, National University, San Dieg