我的名字是 Ming Poon,⼀位以舞蹈及編舞為⼯具進⾏政治運動的編舞家。我⽬前正在組織⼀
場叫做《向⽬●六四》的24⼩時線上舞蹈紀念活動,⽤來紀念1989 年6⽉4⽇在北京天安⾨被
合,將由 6 名具有中國/亞洲背景的舞者表演及演繹。(動作組合教學影⽚:https://youtu.be/
開始時間:2022 年 6 ⽉ 4 ⽇ ,中午12點 (歐洲中部時間)
結束時間:2022 年 6 ⽉ 5 ⽇ ,中午12點 (歐洲中部時間)
連結網址將在 6 ⽉ 3 ⽇於下⾯的活動⾴⾯中提供。
Facebook 活動:https://fb.me/e/1JeehiucN
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ming.apur/
如果您對紀念活動有任何疑問,請通過 projectjune4th@protonmail.com 與我聯繫
要了解更多關於 Ming Poon 的資訊:https://mingapur.com/
Ming Poon
Dear Humanitarian China,
I hope you are well!
My name is Ming Poon, a choreographer who works with dance and choreography as tools for political actions. I am currently organising a 24-hr online dance commemoration for the 33rd anniversary of Tiananmen. The commemoration is called “Project June 4th”, a reference to the day, on which the Tiananmen protests in Beijing were violently shut down by the Chinese government in 1989.
The commemoration of Tiananmen this year holds a special significance. Last year, the Tiananmen vigil group in Hong Kong was forced to disband, with activists and journalists being arrested. As someone belonging to the Chinese diaspora, I feel a duty to speak out aganist the forms of state censorship used by the Chinese authority to silence peaceful dissent, and against the systemic erasure and rewriting of its history. “Project June 4th” takes inspiration from the Hong Kong movement and hopes to humbly continue the work they started. It is a political act of refusing to forget and be silenced. For once we forget, history repeats itself and the oppressors become emboldened.
A key element of this commemoration is the iconic “Tank Man” movement sequence, which will be performed and interpreted by 6 dancers with Chinese/Asian background. (Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/zjnsZWRKnCk). I choose the “Tank Man” because it represents the potential that lies within ordinary persons to stop the machines of violence and oppression. It is also a call-out to stand up against all forms of injustice, no matter how small we think we are, and how insurmountable we think the task is. “Project June 4th” is therefore also a tribute to the people in the world who are still fighting against authoritarian regimes today. Ultimately, it is a celebration of people’s resilence and commitment to fight for their freedom and justice.
I would like to invite you to join in this online commemoration of Tiananmen. Please forward this invitation to your colleagues, friends and activist groups/organisations that you know. I have also attached the invitation as PDF below, in both English and Mandarin. Also help share this event on your social media channels. There is power in number.
To be accessible to as many people as possible, the commemoration will take place online for 24 hours non-stop, so that people from different parts of the world can join in.
Start: 4th June 2022 @ 12:00hrs (CET)
End: 5th June 2022 @ 12:00hrs (CET)
The online link to the commemoration will be made available on the 3rd June in the channels below.
For more info about the commemoration: https://mingapur.com/works/intervention/project-june-4th/
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1JeehiucN
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ming.apur/
If you have questions about the commemoration, please write to projectjune4th@protonmail.com
To know more about me and my work: https://mingapur.com/
In solidarity,
Ming Poon