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On September 9, HRIC Executive Director Fengsuo Zhou received the Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Public Discourse from the College Historical Society of Trinity College Dublin, officially the world’s oldest student society. Past recipients of the medal include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Patti Smith, Margaret Atwood, and Irish President Michael D. Higgins. Director Zhou was recognized for his unwavering courage and lifelong commitment to advancing democracy and human rights in China and around the world.

In his acceptance speech, Director Zhou emphasized that the honor belongs to the many courageous human rights defenders whom he has worked with over the past 35 years, many of whom are still imprisoned by the Chinese government for their defense of human rights and freedoms, such as Wang Bingzhang and Xu Zhiyong. Despite the ongoing pressure from the Chinese authorities, including transnational repression, Director Zhou emphasized: “For me, it is a privilege and honor to work with them, to know that these brave souls are fighting for the dignity and freedom of Chinese people and for the promotion of universal human rights.”

The event was attended by about 50 students and faculty who actively participated in the Q&A with Director Zhou and asked many insightful and timely questions. After the event, Zhou said: “I appreciated the opportunity to share my life experiences, from Tiananmen Square to present day. I was especially encouraged by a few Chinese students, who listened attentively.”

Read the full speech below.


I am thrilled to be here today to accept this medal. I believe it is an honor not only to myself, but also to the human rights defenders and political prisoners who I have worked with over the last 35 years. It is also an acknowledgement of the importance of Chinese human rights. I thank the Hist for inviting me and allowing me to share my message with all of you.

First, I wish to highlight some of the brave defenders and political prisoners who deserve recognition for their work towards human rights in China.

Wang Bingzhang, the father of the Chinese democracy movement, has been in prison for more than twenty years, since he was kidnapped from Vietnam by the Chinese authorities. He has been mistreated and put in solitary confinement, and his condition continues to decline in prison. The government refuses to entertain any possibility of releasing him.

Jimmy Lai, the owner of Apple Daily, risked everything when he chose to stay in Hong Kong. He chose to sacrifice for the great city that he loved, even though he had the resources to easily leave. He shouldered the responsibility of his media, which was a beacon of press freedom in HK.

Xu Zhiyong became well-known 20 years ago for organizing a very influential campaign against the so-called black jails, where police arrested and detained individuals indefinitely without evidence of wrongdoing. Then, he co-founded the New Citizens Movement, which has hundreds of thousands of followers. His vision was one of a beautiful, free China. Although he was a visiting scholar at Yale, he chose to go back because he loves China and wants to dedicate his life to this dream. In 2023, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison for condemning Xi Jinping for his policies, particularly his mis-management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chow Hang-tung, the young leader of Hong Kong Alliance for Democracy, was only five years old when the Tiananmen massacre happened, but she still devoted herself to holding public commemorations and keeping the protestors’ memory alive. Even facing a lengthy prison term, she spoke out and encouraged the public to speak out. In order to quiet her, the Hong Kong government recently arrested members of her support group on Facebook, including her mother.

Zeng Yuxuan, a law student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was arrested in 2023 for planning to hold a public memorial for the Tiananmen Massacre. She disappeared after serving four months in prison in Hong Kong, and is presumed to be in the Mainland. Although she was born after the Tiananmen Massacre, she once told me that even though what happened on Tiananmen Square ended as a tragedy, the pursuit of freedom and democracy connects us across generations.

Gao Zhisheng was a famous lawyer in Beijing who gave up his prestige and wealth to defend the rights of Falun Gong followers and others facing persecution from the government. For his defense of Falun Gong, he was jailed many times, tortured, and finally disappeared altogether. He has been missing for seven years. Gao’s family suffered with him, and to this day, the government refuses to tell anyone where he is.

Pastor Wang Yi was a famous scholar and movie critic before he became a Christian, and eventually the pastor of a leading church in Chengdu. His church was always open to people who were underprivileged and downtrodden, both physically and spiritually. He openly commemorated the Tiananmen Massacre every year, so in order to silence him, the police would detain him every year in June. He bravely criticized Xi Jinping for changing the constitution to make himself the permanent leader of China, and was sentenced to nine years in prison.

Finally, the Tiananmen Mothers are a group of family members of the massacred victims. Led by professor Ding Zilin, whose teenage son was killed by the troops on the square, the Tiananmen Mothers have been calling for justice for the past 35 years. The government has all but eradicated the memory of Tiananmen, and they are forbidden to speak in public about the deaths of their loved ones, yet they persist.

These people are the ones most deserving of recognition, whose sacrifice and bravery is deserving of an award. For me, it is a privilege and honor to work with them, to know that these brave souls are fighting for the dignity and freedom of Chinese people and for the promotion of universal human rights.

Why should western countries care about human rights in China? Look no further than the pandemic. Because there was no freedom of speech, the Chinese government was able to cover it up, even though there were doctors who identified the virus early on One whistleblowing doctor was punished for trying to speak out, and died as a result. Furthermore, through modern technology and global trade, the Chinese government is able to exert influence at a very local level. It is easy for them to infiltrate foreign organizations, and there are reports that they are building a dossier on everyone in the world. Even though people like me were the initial targets, the same tech allows them to target anyone.

My own activism journey started on Tiananmen Square. I was first student to offer a flower wreath for Hu Yaobang, the catalyzing event of the protests, and later I built the broadcast station on the square. It was the first time that people in China felt that freedom was nearly within reach. It was the most peaceful protest I have ever participated in. Even though the brutal massacre ended the protest, the Tiananmen protests completely destroyed the legitimacy of the CCP, and contributed to the fall of the Berlin wall and communist governments across the Eastern Bloc. I witnessed the brutal massacre, but I also experienced the most enduring courage and solidarity from the Chinese people. Even years later, after I was released from prison, I often met people who recognized me on the street and warmly encouraged me.

Of course, I would never imagine that this was just the starting point of my journey as a human rights activist. 35 years is a long time, and in some ways, the freedom we have been fighting for seems to get further away every year. We are always bombarded by bad news of people being arrested or suffering in and out of prison for their political beliefs. This evil regime, communist China, seems to be getting stronger day by day. Even working outside of China, I have faced constant targeting and repression. When I protested for Chinese human rights in San Francisco at the time of the Beijing Olympics, I was beaten in the street by pro-CCP thugs while the police stood by. I saw the hatred and the violence demonstrated against us by these people who are driven by blind loyalty towards the Party, and I realized that we must fight for every inch of space to maintain our survival. Online, I was censored by LinkedIn and other companies and had my accounts suspended simply for commemorating Tiananmen. I was warned by my company’s HR department when they saw me giving a speech on TV. Many people would avoid me, even in private settings, afraid of any association with me.

Why, then, do I keep doing this work? It’s because it is something I love. It’s something I believe in. No matter how hard it is, it’s a joy to be in it day and day out, and to be with these amazing people who keep fighting no matter what.

In 2014, I snuck into Beijing to visit Tiananmen for the 25th anniversary, before I was caught, and deported. I gave an interview afterwards, where I said that I would be willing to return to China only if I was able to continue my work and speak about Tiananmen. Shortly after, an article from prominent Chinese commentator Hu Xijin was published, saying that China had changed, and that most students from Tiananmen Square had already joined the CCP, while I remained a rock in the tide of change, sinking to the bottom and refusing to move a single inch. Although it was meant as a criticism, I took it as an apt metaphor for my determination to stay in this fight. Despite the challenges, I have stayed my course for 35 years, no matter what. And I am proud that after all these years, I am still the same person as I was 35 years ago. I still believe in the dream of a beautiful China.
























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On September 9, HRIC Executive Director Fengsuo Zhou received the Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Public Discourse from the College Historical Society of Trinity College Dublin, officially the world’s oldest student society. Past recipients of the medal include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Patti Smith, Margaret Atwood, and Irish President Michael D. Higgins. Director Zhou was recognized for his unwavering courage and lifelong commitment to advancing democracy and human rights in China and around the world.

In his acceptance speech, Director Zhou emphasized that the honor belongs to the many courageous human rights defenders whom he has worked with over the past 35 years, many of whom are still imprisoned by the Chinese government for their defense of human rights and freedoms, such as Wang Bingzhang and Xu Zhiyong. Despite the ongoing pressure from the Chinese authorities, including transnational repression, Director Zhou emphasized: “For me, it is a privilege and honor to work with them, to know that these brave souls are fighting for the dignity and freedom of Chinese people and for the promotion of universal human rights.”

The event was attended by about 50 students and faculty who actively participated in the Q&A with Director Zhou and asked many insightful and timely questions. After the event, Zhou said: “I appreciated the opportunity to share my life experiences, from Tiananmen Square to present day. I was especially encouraged by a few Chinese students, who listened attentively.”

Read the full speech below.


I am thrilled to be here today to accept this medal. I believe it is an honor not only to myself, but also to the human rights defenders and political prisoners who I have worked with over the last 35 years. It is also an acknowledgement of the importance of Chinese human rights. I thank the Hist for inviting me and allowing me to share my message with all of you.

First, I wish to highlight some of the brave defenders and political prisoners who deserve recognition for their work towards human rights in China.

Wang Bingzhang, the father of the Chinese democracy movement, has been in prison for more than twenty years, since he was kidnapped from Vietnam by the Chinese authorities. He has been mistreated and put in solitary confinement, and his condition continues to decline in prison. The government refuses to entertain any possibility of releasing him.

Jimmy Lai, the owner of Apple Daily, risked everything when he chose to stay in Hong Kong. He chose to sacrifice for the great city that he loved, even though he had the resources to easily leave. He shouldered the responsibility of his media, which was a beacon of press freedom in HK.

Xu Zhiyong became well-known 20 years ago for organizing a very influential campaign against the so-called black jails, where police arrested and detained individuals indefinitely without evidence of wrongdoing. Then, he co-founded the New Citizens Movement, which has hundreds of thousands of followers. His vision was one of a beautiful, free China. Although he was a visiting scholar at Yale, he chose to go back because he loves China and wants to dedicate his life to this dream. In 2023, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison for condemning Xi Jinping for his policies, particularly his mis-management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chow Hang-tung, the young leader of Hong Kong Alliance for Democracy, was only five years old when the Tiananmen massacre happened, but she still devoted herself to holding public commemorations and keeping the protestors’ memory alive. Even facing a lengthy prison term, she spoke out and encouraged the public to speak out. In order to quiet her, the Hong Kong government recently arrested members of her support group on Facebook, including her mother.

Zeng Yuxuan, a law student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was arrested in 2023 for planning to hold a public memorial for the Tiananmen Massacre. She disappeared after serving four months in prison in Hong Kong, and is presumed to be in the Mainland. Although she was born after the Tiananmen Massacre, she once told me that even though what happened on Tiananmen Square ended as a tragedy, the pursuit of freedom and democracy connects us across generations.

Gao Zhisheng was a famous lawyer in Beijing who gave up his prestige and wealth to defend the rights of Falun Gong followers and others facing persecution from the government. For his defense of Falun Gong, he was jailed many times, tortured, and finally disappeared altogether. He has been missing for seven years. Gao’s family suffered with him, and to this day, the government refuses to tell anyone where he is.

Pastor Wang Yi was a famous scholar and movie critic before he became a Christian, and eventually the pastor of a leading church in Chengdu. His church was always open to people who were underprivileged and downtrodden, both physically and spiritually. He openly commemorated the Tiananmen Massacre every year, so in order to silence him, the police would detain him every year in June. He bravely criticized Xi Jinping for changing the constitution to make himself the permanent leader of China, and was sentenced to nine years in prison.

Finally, the Tiananmen Mothers are a group of family members of the massacred victims. Led by professor Ding Zilin, whose teenage son was killed by the troops on the square, the Tiananmen Mothers have been calling for justice for the past 35 years. The government has all but eradicated the memory of Tiananmen, and they are forbidden to speak in public about the deaths of their loved ones, yet they persist.

These people are the ones most deserving of recognition, whose sacrifice and bravery is deserving of an award. For me, it is a privilege and honor to work with them, to know that these brave souls are fighting for the dignity and freedom of Chinese people and for the promotion of universal human rights.

Why should western countries care about human rights in China? Look no further than the pandemic. Because there was no freedom of speech, the Chinese government was able to cover it up, even though there were doctors who identified the virus early on One whistleblowing doctor was punished for trying to speak out, and died as a result. Furthermore, through modern technology and global trade, the Chinese government is able to exert influence at a very local level. It is easy for them to infiltrate foreign organizations, and there are reports that they are building a dossier on everyone in the world. Even though people like me were the initial targets, the same tech allows them to target anyone.

My own activism journey started on Tiananmen Square. I was first student to offer a flower wreath for Hu Yaobang, the catalyzing event of the protests, and later I built the broadcast station on the square. It was the first time that people in China felt that freedom was nearly within reach. It was the most peaceful protest I have ever participated in. Even though the brutal massacre ended the protest, the Tiananmen protests completely destroyed the legitimacy of the CCP, and contributed to the fall of the Berlin wall and communist governments across the Eastern Bloc. I witnessed the brutal massacre, but I also experienced the most enduring courage and solidarity from the Chinese people. Even years later, after I was released from prison, I often met people who recognized me on the street and warmly encouraged me.

Of course, I would never imagine that this was just the starting point of my journey as a human rights activist. 35 years is a long time, and in some ways, the freedom we have been fighting for seems to get further away every year. We are always bombarded by bad news of people being arrested or suffering in and out of prison for their political beliefs. This evil regime, communist China, seems to be getting stronger day by day. Even working outside of China, I have faced constant targeting and repression. When I protested for Chinese human rights in San Francisco at the time of the Beijing Olympics, I was beaten in the street by pro-CCP thugs while the police stood by. I saw the hatred and the violence demonstrated against us by these people who are driven by blind loyalty towards the Party, and I realized that we must fight for every inch of space to maintain our survival. Online, I was censored by LinkedIn and other companies and had my accounts suspended simply for commemorating Tiananmen. I was warned by my company’s HR department when they saw me giving a speech on TV. Many people would avoid me, even in private settings, afraid of any association with me.

Why, then, do I keep doing this work? It’s because it is something I love. It’s something I believe in. No matter how hard it is, it’s a joy to be in it day and day out, and to be with these amazing people who keep fighting no matter what.

In 2014, I snuck into Beijing to visit Tiananmen for the 25th anniversary, before I was caught, and deported. I gave an interview afterwards, where I said that I would be willing to return to China only if I was able to continue my work and speak about Tiananmen. Shortly after, an article from prominent Chinese commentator Hu Xijin was published, saying that China had changed, and that most students from Tiananmen Square had already joined the CCP, while I remained a rock in the tide of change, sinking to the bottom and refusing to move a single inch. Although it was meant as a criticism, I took it as an apt metaphor for my determination to stay in this fight. Despite the challenges, I have stayed my course for 35 years, no matter what. And I am proud that after all these years, I am still the same person as I was 35 years ago. I still believe in the dream of a beautiful China.





















