

Day 日期 30 April 2008
Activities 活動 Press Conference 
Time 時間 2:30 – 3:30pm
2:30 – 2:40 Video訪問錄像:

Mr. Yu Ying-Shih Chinese History Scholar (余英時先生  中國歷史學研究專家)

2:40 -3:30 Press Briefing Q&A介紹及答記者問: 

Ms. Fan Ho-tsai, Chairperson, HKJA (范皓齊 香港記者協會主席)

Mr. Sam Grunhard, Projects Director, Asia-Pacific, IFJ (國際記者聯會亞太區項目主任)

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman. Vice President of International-PEN (國際筆會副會長)

Mr. Zhang Yu , 獨立中文筆會獄中作家委員會召集人 (Coordinator, Writer in Prison Committee, Independent Chinese PEN Centre )

Mr. Kajso Tornroth, Co-Director of Press Freedom & Media Development Programme of World Association of Newspapers (世界報業協會)

Mr. Chip Rolley, International PEN Poem Relay, Sydney PEN Centre (國際筆會詩歌接力, 悉尼筆會)

Ms. Mak Yin-ting, HKJA  General Secretary (麥燕庭  香港記協會總幹事)


Day 日期 1 May 2008
Activities 活動 Forum: One Dream: We Want Freedom of Expression (I)

同一個夢想:我們要言論自由研討會 (I)

Venue 地點 Plaza V, Lower lobby, Novotel Century Hong Kong --- 238 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, H.K.


Language 語言 Mandarin (English Translation) 普通話 (現場英文翻譯)
Time 時間 10:00am – 5:00pm
10:00 – 11:15 

Freedom of Expression in China: Opportunities and Obstacles

錄像播放 Video broadcasting


Yu Ying-Shih, Li Rui, Hu ji-Wei, Li Pu, Gao Qin-Rong 

Moderator 主持:

張裕 Zhang Yu獨立中文筆會獄中作家委員會召集人 (Coordinator, Writer in Prison Committee, Independent Chinese PEN Centre )


昝愛宗 Zan Aizhong:中國自由撰稿人, 資深記者 (Independent, veteran Journalist in China)

趙岩 Zhao Yan: 紐約時報研究員 (New York Times Researcher)

高瑜 Gao Yu: 中國資深記者 (Veteran journalist in China)

Coffee break  
11:30 – 13:00 出版與寫作自由 --- 內地作家的發表途徑

Freedom to Write and to Publish – Chinese Writers’ Path to Publication

Moderator 主持:

張裕 Zhang Yu獨立中文筆會獄中作家委員會召集人 (Coordinator, Writer in Prison Committee, Independent Chinese PEN Centre )


冉雲飛 Ran Yunfei四川博客 (Sichuan blogger)

丁東 Ding Dong: 中國作者, 民間出版者 (Writer, Private publisher)

王光澤 Wang Guangze: 中國和解智庫召集人(Coordinator of Think-tank for Chinese Reconciliation )

14:00 – 15:30 外國新聞工作者在內地的言論自由空間

The Space for Freedom of Expression for Foreign Journalists in China

Moderator 主持:

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman: Vice President of International PEN

Speakers 講者:

Melinda Liu: Chairman, Foreign Correspondents Club in China

Francis Moriarty: Convener, Press Freedom Committee of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong.

Coffee break  
15: 45 -- 17:00 外國記者和出版商進入中國的困難與機遇

Obsticle and opportunities for foreign journalist and publisher access to China

Moderator 主持:

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman: Vice President of International PEN

Speakers 講者:

Andrew Lih: Commentator on new media and journalism

Prof. Huang Yu黃煜教授: Head, Journalism Department, Hong Kong Baptist University. 香港浸會大學新聞系系主任

Day 日期 2 May 2008
Activities 活動 Forum: One Dream: We Want Freedom of Expression (II)

同一個夢想:我們要言論自由研討會 (II)

Venue 地點 Plaza V, Lower lobby, Novotel Century Hong Kong --- 238 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, H.K.


Language 語言 Cantonese and Mandarin (English Translation) 廣東話及普通話 (現場英文翻譯)
Time 時間 10:00am – 5:00pm
10:00 – 11:00 

Freedom of Expression in Hong Kong Spins in the Wind from the North

Moderator 主持:

Mak Yin-ting麥燕庭: General Secretary, HKJA 香港記者協會總幹事

Speakers 講者:

Jimmy Lai黎智英: Chairman, Next Media Ltd壹傳媒有限公司主席

11:15 – 12:45 Moderator 主持:

Mak Yin-ting 麥燕庭: General Secretary, HKJA 香港記者協會總幹事

Speakers 講者:

Ching Cheong 程翔 : Veteran journalist 資深記者

Stanley Leung 梁錦雄 : Convener, Press Freedom Sub-committee, HKJA  香港記者協會新聞自由小組召集人

Chung Ting-Yiu 鍾庭耀: Director of Public Opinion Programme, HKU 香港大學民意研究計劃主任

Lunch break 午膳
14:00 – 15:30 推進內地言論自由的我見

Opinions on Advancing Freedom of Expression in China

Moderator 主持:

Ann Cheung 張善喻: Associate Professor, Law faculty, University of Hong Kong


Aidan White: General Secretary, International Federation of Journalists

Kojsa Tornroth: Co-Director, Press Freedom & Media Develoment Programme, World Association of Newspapers

Willy Lam 林和立 China scholar & author; Senior Fellow, Jamestown Foundation, Washington DC

Coffee break  
16: 00 --- 16:45 總結及自由討論

Round Up & free discussion

Moderator 主持:

Chip Rolley: International PEN Poem Relay, Sydney PEN Centre國際筆會詩歌接力, 悉尼筆會

Zhang Yu張裕:Coordinator, Writer in Prison Committee, Independent Chinese PEN Centre 獨立中文筆會獄中作家委員會召集人

Mak Yin-ting 麥燕庭: General Secretary, HKJA 香港記者協會總幹事 

Ann Cheung 張善喻: Associate Professor, Law faculty, University of Hong Kong 香港大學法律系助理教授


Day 日期 3 May 2008
Activities 活動 Freedom of Expression Statement to The Liaison Office of the Central People\'s Government in the Hong Kong SAR 向中聯辦遞交表達自由聲明

Bus Tour to promote Freedom of Expression巴士巡遊

Art Fair 藝墟: Music, Poet and Performance Art音樂演奏、賦詩、行為藝術

團體攤位Fun Booths of Solidarity organizations

Venue 地點 The Liaison Office of the Central People\'s Government in the Hong Kong SAR


Charter Garden, Central 中環遮打花園

Language 語言 English, Mandarin and Cantonese
Time 時間 10:00am – 5:00pm
10:00 – 10:30 Freedom of Expression Statement to The Liaison Office of the Central People\'s Government in the Hong Kong SAR向中聯辦遞交表達自由聲明
10:30 – 12:30 Bus tour goes around Hong Kong and Kowloon, 香港九龍巴士巡遊


Bus route starts from The Liaison Office of the Central People\'s Government in

the Hong Kong SAR and, via Desvote road, Hennessy Road, King Road, passes

Eastern tunnel to Kwuntong, Ngautaukok, Homantin, Mongkok, and Nathan

Road, and ends at TST Star Ferry bus station.

12:00 – 17:00 團體設攤位及發言 Fun Booths and messages of solidatrity organization organisations (List below)
14:00 – 17:00 藝墟: 中環遮打花園  Arts Fair at Charter Garden, Central


Poetry, Latin dance, Wheelchair dancing, songs, music, drum, etc..

出席團體 (排名不分先後)

Solidarity Organizations: 

Sponsors 贊助團體:

勞改基金會 [Laogai Research Foundation]

國際表達自由交流 [International Freedom of Expression Exchange]

中國維權律師關注組 [China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group]

香港中文大學學生會, 中國民運基金 [Foundation for China\'s Democratic Movement , The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong ]

墨爾本筆會[Melbourne PEN Centre]  

Partcipants 參與團體:

國際特赦組織香港分會 [Amnesty International Hong Kong Section]

中國資訊中心 [China Information Centre]

香港記者協會[Hong Kong Journalists Association]

中國人權 [Human Rights in China]

國際記者聯會 [International Federation of Journalists]

無國界記者 [Reporters Sans Frontières]

撐港台運動 [Save RTHK Campaign ]

世界報業協會[World Association of Newspapers]

國際筆會成員International PEN Centres members:

美國筆會 [American PEN]

獨立中文筆會 [Independent Chinese PEN Centre]

香港中國筆會 [HK Chinese PEN Centre]

悉尼筆會 [Sydney PEN Centre]

民主中国 |



Day 日期 30 April 2008
Activities 活動 Press Conference 
Time 時間 2:30 – 3:30pm
2:30 – 2:40 Video訪問錄像:

Mr. Yu Ying-Shih Chinese History Scholar (余英時先生  中國歷史學研究專家)

2:40 -3:30 Press Briefing Q&A介紹及答記者問: 

Ms. Fan Ho-tsai, Chairperson, HKJA (范皓齊 香港記者協會主席)

Mr. Sam Grunhard, Projects Director, Asia-Pacific, IFJ (國際記者聯會亞太區項目主任)

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman. Vice President of International-PEN (國際筆會副會長)

Mr. Zhang Yu , 獨立中文筆會獄中作家委員會召集人 (Coordinator, Writer in Prison Committee, Independent Chinese PEN Centre )

Mr. Kajso Tornroth, Co-Director of Press Freedom & Media Development Programme of World Association of Newspapers (世界報業協會)

Mr. Chip Rolley, International PEN Poem Relay, Sydney PEN Centre (國際筆會詩歌接力, 悉尼筆會)

Ms. Mak Yin-ting, HKJA  General Secretary (麥燕庭  香港記協會總幹事)


Day 日期 1 May 2008
Activities 活動 Forum: One Dream: We Want Freedom of Expression (I)

同一個夢想:我們要言論自由研討會 (I)

Venue 地點 Plaza V, Lower lobby, Novotel Century Hong Kong --- 238 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, H.K.


Language 語言 Mandarin (English Translation) 普通話 (現場英文翻譯)
Time 時間 10:00am – 5:00pm
10:00 – 11:15 

Freedom of Expression in China: Opportunities and Obstacles

錄像播放 Video broadcasting


Yu Ying-Shih, Li Rui, Hu ji-Wei, Li Pu, Gao Qin-Rong 

Moderator 主持:

張裕 Zhang Yu獨立中文筆會獄中作家委員會召集人 (Coordinator, Writer in Prison Committee, Independent Chinese PEN Centre )


昝愛宗 Zan Aizhong:中國自由撰稿人, 資深記者 (Independent, veteran Journalist in China)

趙岩 Zhao Yan: 紐約時報研究員 (New York Times Researcher)

高瑜 Gao Yu: 中國資深記者 (Veteran journalist in China)

Coffee break  
11:30 – 13:00 出版與寫作自由 --- 內地作家的發表途徑

Freedom to Write and to Publish – Chinese Writers’ Path to Publication

Moderator 主持:

張裕 Zhang Yu獨立中文筆會獄中作家委員會召集人 (Coordinator, Writer in Prison Committee, Independent Chinese PEN Centre )


冉雲飛 Ran Yunfei四川博客 (Sichuan blogger)

丁東 Ding Dong: 中國作者, 民間出版者 (Writer, Private publisher)

王光澤 Wang Guangze: 中國和解智庫召集人(Coordinator of Think-tank for Chinese Reconciliation )

14:00 – 15:30 外國新聞工作者在內地的言論自由空間

The Space for Freedom of Expression for Foreign Journalists in China

Moderator 主持:

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman: Vice President of International PEN

Speakers 講者:

Melinda Liu: Chairman, Foreign Correspondents Club in China

Francis Moriarty: Convener, Press Freedom Committee of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong.

Coffee break  
15: 45 -- 17:00 外國記者和出版商進入中國的困難與機遇

Obsticle and opportunities for foreign journalist and publisher access to China

Moderator 主持:

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman: Vice President of International PEN

Speakers 講者:

Andrew Lih: Commentator on new media and journalism

Prof. Huang Yu黃煜教授: Head, Journalism Department, Hong Kong Baptist University. 香港浸會大學新聞系系主任

Day 日期 2 May 2008
Activities 活動 Forum: One Dream: We Want Freedom of Expression (II)

同一個夢想:我們要言論自由研討會 (II)

Venue 地點 Plaza V, Lower lobby, Novotel Century Hong Kong --- 238 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, H.K.


Language 語言 Cantonese and Mandarin (English Translation) 廣東話及普通話 (現場英文翻譯)
Time 時間 10:00am – 5:00pm
10:00 – 11:00 

Freedom of Expression in Hong Kong Spins in the Wind from the North

Moderator 主持:

Mak Yin-ting麥燕庭: General Secretary, HKJA 香港記者協會總幹事

Speakers 講者:

Jimmy Lai黎智英: Chairman, Next Media Ltd壹傳媒有限公司主席

11:15 – 12:45 Moderator 主持:

Mak Yin-ting 麥燕庭: General Secretary, HKJA 香港記者協會總幹事

Speakers 講者:

Ching Cheong 程翔 : Veteran journalist 資深記者

Stanley Leung 梁錦雄 : Convener, Press Freedom Sub-committee, HKJA  香港記者協會新聞自由小組召集人

Chung Ting-Yiu 鍾庭耀: Director of Public Opinion Programme, HKU 香港大學民意研究計劃主任

Lunch break 午膳
14:00 – 15:30 推進內地言論自由的我見

Opinions on Advancing Freedom of Expression in China

Moderator 主持:

Ann Cheung 張善喻: Associate Professor, Law faculty, University of Hong Kong


Aidan White: General Secretary, International Federation of Journalists

Kojsa Tornroth: Co-Director, Press Freedom & Media Develoment Programme, World Association of Newspapers

Willy Lam 林和立 China scholar & author; Senior Fellow, Jamestown Foundation, Washington DC

Coffee break  
16: 00 --- 16:45 總結及自由討論

Round Up & free discussion

Moderator 主持:

Chip Rolley: International PEN Poem Relay, Sydney PEN Centre國際筆會詩歌接力, 悉尼筆會

Zhang Yu張裕:Coordinator, Writer in Prison Committee, Independent Chinese PEN Centre 獨立中文筆會獄中作家委員會召集人

Mak Yin-ting 麥燕庭: General Secretary, HKJA 香港記者協會總幹事 

Ann Cheung 張善喻: Associate Professor, Law faculty, University of Hong Kong 香港大學法律系助理教授


Day 日期 3 May 2008
Activities 活動 Freedom of Expression Statement to The Liaison Office of the Central People\'s Government in the Hong Kong SAR 向中聯辦遞交表達自由聲明

Bus Tour to promote Freedom of Expression巴士巡遊

Art Fair 藝墟: Music, Poet and Performance Art音樂演奏、賦詩、行為藝術

團體攤位Fun Booths of Solidarity organizations

Venue 地點 The Liaison Office of the Central People\'s Government in the Hong Kong SAR


Charter Garden, Central 中環遮打花園

Language 語言 English, Mandarin and Cantonese
Time 時間 10:00am – 5:00pm
10:00 – 10:30 Freedom of Expression Statement to The Liaison Office of the Central People\'s Government in the Hong Kong SAR向中聯辦遞交表達自由聲明
10:30 – 12:30 Bus tour goes around Hong Kong and Kowloon, 香港九龍巴士巡遊


Bus route starts from The Liaison Office of the Central People\'s Government in

the Hong Kong SAR and, via Desvote road, Hennessy Road, King Road, passes

Eastern tunnel to Kwuntong, Ngautaukok, Homantin, Mongkok, and Nathan

Road, and ends at TST Star Ferry bus station.

12:00 – 17:00 團體設攤位及發言 Fun Booths and messages of solidatrity organization organisations (List below)
14:00 – 17:00 藝墟: 中環遮打花園  Arts Fair at Charter Garden, Central


Poetry, Latin dance, Wheelchair dancing, songs, music, drum, etc..

出席團體 (排名不分先後)

Solidarity Organizations: 

Sponsors 贊助團體:

勞改基金會 [Laogai Research Foundation]

國際表達自由交流 [International Freedom of Expression Exchange]

中國維權律師關注組 [China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group]

香港中文大學學生會, 中國民運基金 [Foundation for China\'s Democratic Movement , The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong ]

墨爾本筆會[Melbourne PEN Centre]  

Partcipants 參與團體:

國際特赦組織香港分會 [Amnesty International Hong Kong Section]

中國資訊中心 [China Information Centre]

香港記者協會[Hong Kong Journalists Association]

中國人權 [Human Rights in China]

國際記者聯會 [International Federation of Journalists]

無國界記者 [Reporters Sans Frontières]

撐港台運動 [Save RTHK Campaign ]

世界報業協會[World Association of Newspapers]

國際筆會成員International PEN Centres members:

美國筆會 [American PEN]

獨立中文筆會 [Independent Chinese PEN Centre]

香港中國筆會 [HK Chinese PEN Centre]

悉尼筆會 [Sydney PEN Centre]